Two gardai die in patrol car crash on way to aid colleaguesEight people, including two gardai, were killed in a number of accidents throughout the State over the weekend.Mon Sept 27 1999 - 01:00
Archbishop backs naming of Ansbacher accountholdersPublishing the names of business people who are named as having held Ansbacher accounts may be the only way in which public life…Sat Sept 25 1999 - 01:00
Doctors wary of professor's breakthroughWhile the Infertility Support Groups welcomed news of Prof Gosden's breakthrough on the transplantation of ovarian tissue, Irish…Fri Sept 24 1999 - 01:00
Christ Church seeks extra hands to ring in millenniumBellringers are being sought to help in a record-breaking ringing in of the new millennium at Dublin's Christ Church.Fri Sept 24 1999 - 01:00
Paddy the pigeon's gallantry medal may take flightA campaign is taking flight to keep the only medal for bravery awarded to an Irish animal in IrelandThu Sept 23 1999 - 01:00
Funding sought for Alzheimer victimsHe would forget that he had his dinner only an hour after he had eatenWed Sept 22 1999 - 01:00
Father and daughter killed by hit and run stolen carThe two people killed in a crash involving a stolen car in Dublin yesterday morning were Mr Richie Greene (49), vice-chairman…Tue Sept 21 1999 - 01:00
Harney and McCreevy supported by AhernIn the face of mounting opposition criticism the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, is maintaining his stance that the Tanaiste, Ms Harney, …Tue Sept 21 1999 - 01:00
Building workers to protest over safetyWork is expected to halt at construction sites in Dublin next Tuesday as building workers take part in a protest march to highlight…Thu Sept 09 1999 - 01:00
Board recommends dismissal of gardaA Garda Complaints Board tribunal has recommended that a sergeant in Waterford be dismissed from the forceSat Sept 04 1999 - 01:00
Actor John Molloy dies in US, aged 70Tributes have been paid to the actor John Molloy, who has died in hospital in the United StatesSat Sept 04 1999 - 01:00
Protected Howth peninsula area is `minimum needed', claims architectThe area of Howth peninsula recommended for protection under a Special Amenity Area Order is the minimum necessary to sustain…Fri Sept 03 1999 - 01:00
Howth preservation order defendedNone of 14 objections to a proposed Special Amenity Area Order for Howth peninsula, under which more than half its total land…Thu Sept 02 1999 - 01:00
Chrissie celebrates her century with tea and cake"Oooh, the press. I better watch what I say," exclaimed 100 years young Chrissie Clarke yesterday as photographers snapped, reporters…Wed Sept 01 1999 - 01:00
No promise to `obey' as 80-year-olds are wedThe bride was 20 minutes late, but the groom had waited more than 80 years for her, so who was counting?Fri Aug 27 1999 - 01:00
First victim of variant CJD in the State diesThe first person in the State to be diagnosed with variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, a human form of BSE in cattle, has died…Thu Aug 26 1999 - 01:00
Stage set for extensive refurbishment of GaietyThe Grand Old Lady of Dublin theatre, the Gaiety, is to be extensively refurbished with the help of a £500,000 grant from the…Thu Aug 26 1999 - 01:00
New student grant plan criticisedNew grants to help disadvantaged students will benefit only a "minuscule" number of students, a specialist in education equality…Tue Aug 24 1999 - 01:00
Honda to recall cars over bolt in gearshaftThe distributor of Honda cars in Ireland will be advising owners of one of its popular sedan models to return the cars to their…Thu Aug 19 1999 - 01:00
Miss Ireland hopefuls flaunt `beauty with a purpose'"We like to say it's about beauty with a purpose. The winner will be doing a lot of charity workWed Aug 18 1999 - 01:00
ISPCC aims to regain confidence of public in its operationsThe immediate priority for the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is to convince the public and the statutory…Tue Aug 17 1999 - 01:00
Man held over Irishman's murder in Panama CityAn Irishman is being held by police in Panama in connection with the murder of another Irishman two weeks ago.Tue Aug 10 1999 - 01:00
Victims of Hiroshima bombing are rememberedIt is imperative that Irish people have a say on whether the State joins the Partnership for Peace, said the deputy Lord Mayor…Sat Aug 07 1999 - 01:00
Downpour as summer returns to normalUmbrellas were selling well, traffic ground to a halt and traffic lights were out across the city, but the farmers were laughing…Fri Aug 06 1999 - 01:00
National Library's genealogy service in demandMore than 5,000 people worldwide used the National Library's new genealogy service last yearFri Aug 06 1999 - 01:00
Pickets close NI pregnancy advisory associationThe Ulster Pregnancy Advisory Association has closed after more than 20 years, following picketing of its counsellors' homes …Thu Aug 05 1999 - 01:00
Kilkenny makes Carey larger than life for the sake of artThere's no doubting the virility of Kilkenny men, if sculptor Patrick O'Reilly is to be believedWed Aug 04 1999 - 01:00
Going online to check out the checkpointsWhile gardai have spent the bank-holiday weekend urging motorists to slow down, the Corkman brings us a front-page story on how…Mon Aug 02 1999 - 01:00
Fine weather on the waneThe bright, warm, and most importantly, sunny, weather should just about last the bank holiday weekend.Fri Jul 30 1999 - 01:00
Taxis seek treble millennium faresTrippling taxi fares over the millennium celebrations will be the only way to ensure there will be taxis available in Dublin …Wed Jul 21 1999 - 01:00
Charity crisis as fewer young volunteerIrish charities are experiencing a recruitment crisisTue Jul 20 1999 - 01:00
Anti-poverty activists believe the State should use its wealth to eliminate the problem nowIf the Government is serious about tackling poverty, it should invest all of the £5 billion surplus it is said to have on the…Sat Jul 17 1999 - 01:00
Canvasser gets feedback from the horse's mouthThere's jumping the housing list. Then there's jumping over the fence and straight into the houseMon Jul 12 1999 - 01:00
Trusts combine to save marshFrom as far away as Japan they have come to help save our Puccin ellia fasciculataSat Jul 10 1999 - 01:00
Summer is good and getting even betterGet ready for a weekend of sunscreen, ice-cream and melting roadsFri Jul 09 1999 - 01:00
`Spike' plan for Dublin `ruled out'There will be no "Millennium Spike" as it is currently presented, according to a leading environmental and heritage agency.Wed Jul 07 1999 - 01:00
New state-funded service for victims of clerical abuse to be establishedA government-funded office and phone-line service is to be established for survivors of clerical physical and sexual abuseWed Jul 07 1999 - 01:00
Wexford not getting excited over sex shopDubliners may be getting into a flap about the impending opening of a sex shop in their main street, but it would take more than…Mon Jul 05 1999 - 01:00
Last duty-free purchases to be made on London flight tonightThe 130 passengers on tonight's 9.35 p.mWed Jun 30 1999 - 01:00
Ferries, airports report brisk duty-free sale before deadlineCross-Channel ferry companies and airports around the Republic have been reporting brisk business in their duty-free stores as…Mon Jun 28 1999 - 01:00
`Alien foetus' story goes up in smokeIt's a tiny, almost-formed figure, bearing a striking resemblance to ET - in a jam-jarMon Jun 28 1999 - 01:00
NI GPs want clarification on abortion legislationAlmost 80 per cent of GPs in Northern Ireland believe there should be clarification of abortion legislation, a survey by Marie…Fri Jun 25 1999 - 01:00
Big spender's free-for-all gets them talking in MayoOne for everybody in the audience! A party, food, drink, music and a holiday to anywhere in the world - as long as you lived …Mon Jun 21 1999 - 01:00
Clearance for `mobile' phone masts disputedESAT Digifone has strongly disagreed with an assertion by the Department of the Environment that its "temporary" mobile phone…Sat Jun 19 1999 - 01:00
Exile with a passion for his native KosovoFrom his chip shop on Dublin's north side, he puts the KLA caseSat Jun 19 1999 - 01:00
Mobile phone mast moves residents to angry responseMobile phones are one thing: mobile phone masts are another.Fri Jun 18 1999 - 01:00
Friends in the US celebrateCelebrations were getting into full swing in Bundoran yesterday while 4,000 miles away in Birmingham, Alabama, Ms Dana Rosemary…Tue Jun 15 1999 - 01:00
Tributes paid after Joan FitzGerald, wife of former Taoiseach, diesTributes were paid to Ms Joan FitzGerald from across Ireland and Britain, when her death was announced yesterday.Mon Jun 14 1999 - 01:00
Abortion debate `must be broadened'Politicians and government must move to reaffirm a constitutional protection for the unborn, the Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Desmond…Mon Jun 14 1999 - 01:00
Many refugees in Ireland uncertain about safety of an early return to Kosovo"Everybody knows that Milosevic does not keep his agreementsSat Jun 12 1999 - 01:00