'If we have two more weeks of this, shops will start closing'SHOPPING: DUBLIN CITY Council must clear snow, ice and slush from footpaths of the main shopping streets if retailers are not…Sat Dec 04 2010 - 00:00
'I think people are kind of a bit kinder in this weather'SLEEPING ON THE STREET: THERE WERE few people begging on the streets of Dublin city centre yesterday as heavy snow soaked through…Fri Dec 03 2010 - 00:00
Ó Cuív denies crackdown as emergency payments fallCOMMITTEE ON SOCIAL PROTECTION: MINISTER FOR Social Protection Eamon Ó Cuív has rejected allegations that community welfare …Wed Dec 01 2010 - 00:00
Site of emergency hostel 'must be made public'HOMELESS: THE LOCATION of an emergency cold weather hostel in Dublin should be made public, one of the foremost campaigners …Wed Dec 01 2010 - 00:00
Study shows 20% of women drank while pregnantGROWING UP IN IRELAND: WOMEN WITH the highest levels of education are most likely to drink alcohol during pregnancy, a major…Tue Nov 30 2010 - 00:00
St Vincent de Paul launches appeal as cases rise by 50%CALLS FOR help to the Society of St Vincent de Paul are up by 50 per cent this year in some areas, while online donations to …Tue Nov 23 2010 - 00:00
Leading medic calls for national transplant officeIT IS “critically important” for the Health Service Executive to establish a national transplant office to co-ordinate an effective…Mon Nov 22 2010 - 00:00
State cannot mark UN event due to child protection 'failure'IRELAND IS not in a position to celebrate today's 21st anniversary of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, given its…Sat Nov 20 2010 - 00:00
Ireland criticised over child protectionIreland is in no position to celebrate today's 21st anniversary of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, given its continued…Fri Nov 19 2010 - 00:00
Child sex abuse study finding 'astounding'MORE THAN two-thirds of survivors of childhood sexual abuse, who sought help from the Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) last…Wed Nov 17 2010 - 00:00
Bow-maker from Mayo strikes gold at US eventA CO Mayo man has just won three gold medals at the Violin Society of America bow-making competition in Cleveland, Ohio.Wed Nov 17 2010 - 00:00
Senior Citizens Day to be heldThe organisers of Dublin Senior Citizens Day hope “every town and city in the country” will hold similar events next year…Mon Nov 15 2010 - 00:00
Minister rejects mandatory support for young after careMANDATORY AFTER-CARE supports for young people leaving care are not necessary, the Minister of State for Children Barry Andrews…Fri Nov 12 2010 - 00:00
Actor calls for better end-of-life careIT IS particularly important during a recession that the “ritual of death and dying is made as peaceful and as dignified as possible…Tue Nov 09 2010 - 00:00
Armed kidnappers get away with €170,000GARDAÍ IN Drogheda have begun an investigation into a kidnapping in which the wife of a cash-in-transit official was held in …Mon Nov 08 2010 - 00:00
Kenny says party will not help push budget throughFINE GAEL would not support the Government if it faced difficulty passing next month’s budget, the party’s leader Enda Kenny …Mon Nov 08 2010 - 00:00
Midwives offered home-birth cover on HSE termsSELF-EMPLOYED community midwives will be indemnified by the State Claims Agency to attend at home births only if they sign a …Fri Nov 05 2010 - 00:00
Social justice group says budget 'unjust'THE GOVERNMENT’S approach to the budget is hypocritical, deeply unjust and will seriously damage the most sick, poor and vulnerable…Tue Nov 02 2010 - 00:00
On borrowed timeOne family describes how the Jack and Jill Foundation has helped them cope with their seriously ill child and take care of their…Tue Oct 26 2010 - 01:00
Fully paid maternity leave - but will women lose jobs?People running small businesses say EU plans for improved maternity leave will result in young women losing out on jobs – but…Sat Oct 23 2010 - 01:00
Ten houses open for people with intellectual disabilitiesTEN NEW houses for people with intellectual disabilities were opened yesterday on the grounds of St Ita’s Hospital in Portrane…Wed Oct 20 2010 - 01:00
Polish men suffered 'blatant' racial abuseFOUR POLISH men have been awarded sums of between €4,000 and €10,000 by the Equality Tribunal, which found they suffered “deliberate…Tue Oct 19 2010 - 01:00
Communities urged to collect drug dataCOMMUNITIES WORST affected by the drug crisis must start gathering data on the impact of Government spending cuts, a specialist…Sat Oct 16 2010 - 01:00
Minister defers response to Jack and Jill chief's 'urgent' appealUP TO 100 babies with brain damage and severe developmental delay who are being cared for in their homes may have to return to…Wed Oct 13 2010 - 01:00
Grassroots group aims to 'reshape politics'A NEW movement, reflecting “deep dissatisfaction with Government policies” and representing groups from across the State, will…Mon Oct 11 2010 - 01:00
Minister urges charities to be realistic about budgetCHILD BENEFIT: KEEPING CHILD benefit, the State pension and rent supplements at current levels and the fundamental reform of…Sat Oct 09 2010 - 01:00
Child benefit 'must remain' universalLONE-PARENT SUPPORT: CHILD BENEFIT must not be cut and must remain a universal payment, the lone-parent support organisation…Fri Oct 08 2010 - 01:00
Divers honoured for assisting in vital search and rescue missionsLONG-SERVICE medals were presented yesterday to 96 voluntary search and rescue divers by Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern.Fri Oct 08 2010 - 01:00
Benefit cut 'may be unconstitutional'THERE MAY be constitutional difficulties with removing child benefit from high-earning households, Minister for Social Protection…Wed Oct 06 2010 - 01:00
Alternative budget welcomed as 'refreshing and achievable'DETAILS OF an “alternative Budget 2011”, which would cut €3 billion from Government expenditure while increasing welfare payments…Tue Oct 05 2010 - 01:00
Labour enjoying big surge in membersTHE LABOUR Party is experiencing an “extraordinary surge” in numbers joining the party, its general secretary has said.Sat Oct 02 2010 - 01:00
Man plans 100km walk in effort to get off crutchesA DUBLIN man who has been on crutches for 13 years is planning to walk from his home to the Hill of Tara in Meath to raise money…Wed Sept 29 2010 - 01:00
'Zero disconnect' plan for electricity users put forwardTHE POSSIBILITY of banning the ESB and other suppliers from cutting off electricity or gas to households who fail to pay their…Tue Sept 28 2010 - 01:00
Protests planned over spending cutsA number of protests take place tomorrow in Dublin and Galway against government spending cuts already made and further cuts …Tue Sept 28 2010 - 01:00
Attendance at Mass strong despite call, says ChurchNUMBERS ATTENDING Mass held steady yesterday, and in some places were up on recent weeks, despite a campaign to boycott weekend…Mon Sept 27 2010 - 01:00
Boycott fails to dent Mass numbersNumbers attending Mass held steady today, and in some places were up on recent weeks, despite a call for a boycott, according…Sun Sept 26 2010 - 01:00
One in 10 directly affected by death every year in Republic, says hospice foundationABOUT ONE in 10 adults is directly affected by a death every year in the Republic, according to figures from the Irish Hospice…Fri Sept 24 2010 - 01:00
60,000 children affected by ADHD 'need more help'AT LEAST 60,000 children in Ireland are living with ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder), though there may be …Tue Sept 21 2010 - 01:00
Cowen's summit absence criticisedIRISH CHARITIES and Dóchas, the umbrella group for development non-governmental organisations, have expressed disappointment …Tue Sept 21 2010 - 01:00
President praises Fáilte IsteachWHAT BEGAN as a “small idea” in a supermarket in Summerhill, Co Meath, just three years ago was yesterday unveiled as a “national…Sat Feb 13 2010 - 00:00
Anger at Israeli embassy statementTHE ISRAELI ambassador to Ireland, Dr Zion Evrony, is to be again invited before the Oireachtas Sub-committee on Human Rights…Fri Feb 12 2010 - 00:00
Visitor figures could be down 13%FIGURES FOR 2009 would show the number of visitors to Ireland fell by 13 per cent last year, with a decline of 16 per cent from…Thu Feb 11 2010 - 00:00
Concern over end of trauma services at Navan hospitalTHE IRISH Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) has expressed its “serious concerns” about the end of major trauma services…Wed Feb 10 2010 - 00:00
St Patrick's Day junkets defendedA Fianna Fáil Senator has called for an end to the 'national begrudgery' against Government figures travelling abroad to promote…Wed Feb 10 2010 - 00:00
Derry man to give talk with ex-soldier who blinded himA DERRY businessman and charity worker who had been shot in the face and permanently blinded by a British soldier when aged 10…Sat Feb 06 2010 - 00:00
Deportation of mother and three children suspendedTHE DEPORTATION of a Nigerian mother and her three children – one of them who is seriously ill – has been suspended pending a…Thu Feb 04 2010 - 00:00
Transport supports 'key' to fighting social exclusionA LACK of adequate public transport is a major factor behind social exclusion, particularly in rural areas, according to a report…Thu Feb 04 2010 - 00:00
Concern over deaths linked to pregnancy in AfghanistanTHE DEATH rate among women and girls in Afghanistan due to pregnancy and childbirth is like a “silent tsunami”, an Oireachtas…Thu Feb 04 2010 - 00:00
Father and son among five killed on roads over weekendFIVE PEOPLE have been killed in four road incidents over the weekend. Three of the fatalities were in Co Donegal.Mon Feb 01 2010 - 00:00
Fr Healy urges rethink on povertyTHE GOVERNMENT needs to change its approach to tackling poverty, one of the foremost campaigners against inequality has warned…Mon Feb 01 2010 - 00:00