Group wants to 'build a just society where human rights are respected'THE LEADING figures behind Cori Justice have founded a new advocacy and social analysis organisation, Social Justice Ireland.Mon Sept 07 2009 - 01:00
Irishman feared drowned in AustraliaAN IRISHMAN is feared drowned after apparently diving overboard from a cruise ship in Australia to save a female friend.Mon Sept 07 2009 - 01:00
Swine flu vaccine doses to contain steriliser additiveTHE NEW swine flu vaccine, when it becomes available here in coming weeks, will only be available with a mercury-based preservative…Fri Sept 04 2009 - 01:00
Increase in Irishwomen engaged in street viceTHE NUMBER of Irish women engaging in on-street prostitution has “noticeably increased” in the past few months, according to …Tue Sept 01 2009 - 01:00
Teachers warn that cuts mean some pupils will be deprived of textbooksTHERE WILL be children at school next week with no textbooks because parents are unable to afford them, teaching bodies have …Thu Aug 27 2009 - 01:00
School principals face difficulties due to cutbacksSCHOOL PRINCIPALS are experiencing “severe difficulties” in timetabling for the coming year, due to cutbacks and uncertainty …Thu Aug 27 2009 - 01:00
Fake cigarettes packaged with 'new level of sophistication', warns RevenueCRIMINALS INVOLVED in selling counterfeit cigarettes have reached a “new level of sophistication” in evading detection and are…Wed Aug 26 2009 - 01:00
Cancer control chief backs sunbed banTHE HEAD of the Irish cancer control programme, Prof Tom Keane, has backed calls for a total ban on sunbeds in the State.Wed Aug 26 2009 - 01:00
Contingency plan gets mixed reaction from commutersHOMEWARD BOUND: WHILE HOMEWARD-BOUND commuters arriving at Dublin’s Connolly Station last night were variously “not too annoyed…Tue Aug 25 2009 - 01:00
Dublin is dished up food and wine prizesA DUBLIN-based chef and a Dublin restaurant have been named chef and restaurant of the year respectively by Food and Wine magazine…Mon Aug 24 2009 - 01:00
Three men held after Dublin shootingTHREE MEN were being questioned in Dublin last night in connection with a shooting in the North Circular Road area at about 2am…Mon Aug 24 2009 - 01:00
Protest at commission's role in debateTHE EUROPEAN Commission has been accused of acting ultra vires and of “behaving like a political party by engaging directly in…Mon Aug 24 2009 - 01:00
Donegal nursing home staff set for strike actionSTAFF AT a nursing home in the Co Donegal Gaeltacht have voted for a 24-hour work-stoppage in pursuit of their claim for terms…Sat Aug 22 2009 - 01:00
Landlords forced to compete for student tenantsTHIRD-LEVEL students seeking accommodation in coming weeks can look forward to lower rents and even added incentives as landlords…Fri Aug 21 2009 - 01:00
More acts added to Electric Picnic line-upWITH LESS than three weeks to go, the final raft of bands to play the main stages at Electric Picnic have been announced.Thu Aug 20 2009 - 01:00
Women granted immunity in sex-trafficking caseTHE DIRECTOR of Public Prosecutions is to grant immunity from prosecution to two Nigerian women to allow them give evidence in…Tue Aug 18 2009 - 01:00
Officials from Vietnam invited to talks on adoptionTHE OFFICE of the Minister for Children has invited officials from Vietnam to Ireland in September in an effort to move talks…Tue Aug 18 2009 - 01:00
Off-road cycling route for Co MayoSOME €1.6 million is to be spent on a bike and walking route in Co Mayo, Minister for Transport Noel Dempsey has announced.Tue Aug 18 2009 - 01:00
Public invited to air views at 'masked' debatePEOPLE WILL be invited to air their views forcefully at an event in Temple Bar, Dublin next week, but are not to tell anyone …Fri Aug 14 2009 - 01:00
Students complain of crush at door of Dublin nightclubA NUMBER of young people who attended a Leaving Cert results party at a Dublin nightclub have complained of overcrowding and …Fri Aug 14 2009 - 01:00
Students in a mood to celebrate as principals fear for the futureINNER-NORTH SCHOOLS: THE RECESSION made Amy Yeomans (19), from Cabra, Dublin, go back to get her Leaving Certificate earlier…Thu Aug 13 2009 - 01:00
Tip for Leaving Cert parents: let dust settle before offering advicePARENTS OF Leaving Cert students getting their results this morning should keep their own feelings in check and resist offering…Wed Aug 12 2009 - 01:00
Cowen's credibility not eroded after FF TDs' protest - O'KeeffeMINISTER for Education Batt O’Keeffe said he did not believe the credibility of Taoiseach Brian Cowen was being eroded following…Tue Aug 11 2009 - 01:00
Website offers Leaving Cert students advice on drinkingWHETHER CELEBRATING or drowning their sorrows tomorrow night, Leaving Certificate students are being advised to eat well before…Tue Aug 11 2009 - 01:00
Minister concerned at course drop-out ratesMINISTER FOR Education and Science Batt O’Keeffe has expressed renewed concern about the large number of university students …Tue Aug 11 2009 - 01:00
Pharmacies close prescription dispensing service 'to clear backlog'PHARMACIES IN Waterford and Wexford closed their services to prescription holders yesterday due to unprecedented volumes of patients…Fri Aug 07 2009 - 01:00
Methadone addicts hit hard by disputeAMONG THOSE waiting outside one of the HSE’s emergency methadone clinics in Dublin yesterday evening was Dave – who did not want…Thu Aug 06 2009 - 01:00
Methadone scheme for recovering addicts also hit by closuresEFFECTS OF DISPUTE AROUND THE COUNTRY: A NUMBER of pharmacies in Dublin city centre, including some involved in dispensing methadone…Wed Aug 05 2009 - 01:00
Warning on biased crisis pregnancy 'counselling'ROGUE PREGNANCY counselling agencies who seek to manipulate vulnerable women experiencing a crisis pregnancy are “quite appalling…Tue Jul 21 2009 - 01:00
Concern over closure of sheltered workshopsPEOPLE WITH intellectual disabilities are being left “demoralised and with nothing to do” as the sheltered workshops they have…Mon Jul 20 2009 - 01:00
'Serious rethink' for big concerts at Croke ParkTHERE WILL have to be a “serious rethink” as to how in the future Croke Park will stage complex events such as the upcoming U2…Thu Jul 16 2009 - 01:00
Proportion of sex attacks by strangers on riseMORE THAN half of all the adults seeking help from the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre last year who had been recently assaulted had…Thu Jul 16 2009 - 01:00
Ireland's maternal care 'vital in case on abortion'THE EUROPEAN Court of Human Rights should take into account Ireland’s “outstanding record of medical care for pregnant women” …Thu Jul 16 2009 - 01:00
Owners say later club hours will bring jobsNIGHTCLUBS IN Dublin should be permitted to stay open until 4am and clubs outside the capital until 2Wed Jul 15 2009 - 01:00
Large increase in school bus faresThe Department of Education has confirmed the school bus service for secondary school students is to increase in cost from €168…Tue Jul 14 2009 - 01:00
STI patients turned away untreatedTHERE IS “without a doubt” an increase in undiagnosed sexually transmitted infections among poorer young women in parts of Dublin…Tue Jul 14 2009 - 01:00
Concern over healthcare for poorer womenThere is "without a doubt" an increase in undiagnosed sexually transmitted infections among poorer young women in parts of Dublin…Mon Jul 13 2009 - 01:00
More seek help from homeless charityTHE NUMBER of people seeking help from one of Dublin’s largest homeless charities has reached 700 so far this year – an increase…Mon Jul 13 2009 - 01:00
Hotel's top-class training facilities attract Real MadridTHE REAL Madrid soccer team arrive at Dublin airport tonight and will proceed immediately to the luxurious Carton House hotel…Mon Jul 13 2009 - 01:00
Poverty agency to lose 40% of staff, committee toldJOINT COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL AND FAMILY AFFAIRS: THE COMBAT Poverty Agency is to lose 40 per cent of its staff as part of its integration…Thu Jul 09 2009 - 01:00
Diabetes and metabolic disorders twice as common among TravellersDIABETES, PRE-DIABETES and metabolic syndrome are “at least twice as common” among Travellers as among the general population…Tue Jul 07 2009 - 01:00
Thomas Cook staff in jobs protestABOUT 30 members of staff with the travel company Thomas Cook protested outside its main Dublin branch yesterday in an effort…Wed Jul 01 2009 - 01:00
Owners of mobile homes may escape taxTHE PROPOSED €200 tax on mobile homes is open to amendment, a spokesman for the Minister for the Environment, John Gormley, indicated…Tue Jun 30 2009 - 01:00
Thomas Cook talks with unions postponedTALKS SCHEDULED to begin today in Dublin between the travel company Thomas Cook and its Irish staff have been postponed as management…Tue Jun 30 2009 - 01:00
AC/DC fans clog roads before gigDELAYS OF up to two hours were experienced by concert goers travelling to last night’s AC/DC concert at Punchestown Racecourse…Mon Jun 29 2009 - 01:00
Chewing gum is single biggest litter itemCHEWING GUM accounted for almost a third of all litter last year and passing pedestrians were the most frequent cause of litter…Mon Jun 29 2009 - 01:00
Amnesty queries Cuffe's view over Shannon renditions claimCOLM O’GORMAN, executive director of Amnesty International in Ireland, has described as “barely credible” Green Party TD Ciarán…Sat Jun 27 2009 - 01:00
Inquiry into 2001 Donegal road deathTHE EU’s Committee on Petitions has confirmed it is to ask the European Commission to begin an investigation into the death of…Sat Jun 27 2009 - 01:00
Organisers to hold 'review' of Oasis concertORGANISERS OF the Oasis concert at Slane last weekend say they will conduct a “detailed review” of any overcrowding problems …Tue Jun 23 2009 - 01:00
Support may stop children going into care - expertA “NOTICEABLE population” of children would not be in care if there were adequate family support services in the community, a…Sat Jun 20 2009 - 01:00