Half of alcohol drinkers 'damaging their health'HALF OF all people who drink alcohol in Ireland do so at levels that are damaging their health, an Oireachtas committee has heard…Fri Nov 11 2011 - 00:00
Cases of treatment for alcohol abuse up 42% since 2005THE NUMBER of instances of treatment for alcohol abuse has risen by more than 40 per cent in six years.Wed Nov 09 2011 - 00:00
Southside Dart services return to full serviceDUBLIN DART services are to return to normal this morning, with a full service operating, as the line between Sydney Parade and…Tue Nov 08 2011 - 00:00
Southside Dart back to full serviceDublin Dart services are returning to normal this morning, with a full service operating, as the line between Sydney Parade and…Tue Nov 08 2011 - 00:00
Surge in alcohol abuse reportedThe number of people treated for alcohol abuse increased by almost 50 per cent in five years, according to figures just published…Tue Nov 08 2011 - 00:00
Tasc urges Government to strive for more social equality in forthcoming budgetTHE CONSTANT focus on Government finances rather than on the whole economy in the last four budgets was damaging society and …Wed Nov 02 2011 - 00:00
Tasc calls for wider budget focusThe constant focus on government finances, rather than on the whole economy, in the last four budgets was damaging society and…Tue Nov 01 2011 - 00:00
Busy weekend to feature sport, spooks, conkers and all that jazzCONKER BASH-OFFS and a ghost poet will welcome the arrival of darker evenings this weekend, as the clocks go back, pumpkins are…Sat Oct 29 2011 - 01:00
14,000 to take part in Dublin marathonSOME 14,000 people are expected to take part in the Dublin City Marathon on Monday, which for the first time in 20 years will…Sat Oct 29 2011 - 01:00
The Ticket Gig of the WeekMelbourne’s Cut Copy led a jammed Button Factory through an odyssey of electric dreams on Tuesday night as they synthed their…Fri Oct 28 2011 - 01:00
'Well it's easy to vote, isn't it?' - one reason for making it six in a rowKITTY O’NEILL, in her 99th year, yesterday voted in her sixth presidential election, having voted in every contested election…Fri Oct 28 2011 - 01:00
'I'm devastated. We'd just moved in'JUST NINE weeks after laying €4,500 worth of walnut on his family’s kitchen floor, James Hamilton was yesterday taking it all…Wed Oct 26 2011 - 01:00
Caesareans may be a choicePLANS BY THE British NHS watchdog to allow women to choose to have a Caesarean section, even where it is not medically necessary…Tue Oct 18 2011 - 01:00
Dublin marchers protest against 'corporate greed'CHANTING, DANCING and the joyous singing of Italian workers’ songs were interspersed with enraged calls for the troika to get…Mon Oct 17 2011 - 01:00
Higgins the big winner after FG's Mitchell pulls outYOUTH FORUM: LABOUR CANDIDATE Michael D Higgins comfortably won over an audience of young people at a presidential youth forum…Mon Oct 17 2011 - 01:00
Extreme austerity to cause 'lost decade'EXTREME AUSTERITY measures being implemented here would cause a “lost decade” marked by economic stagnation with “tragic” human…Sat Oct 15 2011 - 01:00
Below-cost alcohol sales 'irresponsible'THE MARKETING of alcohol by some retailers has become “absolutely irresponsible” and its sale at prices far lower than in the…Fri Oct 14 2011 - 01:00
Many children online without guidanceSOME 16 per cent of young people admitted to having met up with people they had met online, a survey published by the Minister…Wed Oct 12 2011 - 01:00
Central Bank camp protesters vow to keep goingA “TENT town” of protesters outside the Central Bank in Dublin has vowed to remain in place “as long as it takes”, although they…Tue Oct 11 2011 - 01:00
Group vows to continue Dublin protestA growing 'tent town' community of protesters outside the Central Bank in Dublin, will remain in place "as long as it takes", …Mon Oct 10 2011 - 01:00
Child's first three years can 'embed tendencies'A CONFERENCE which emphasised the critical importance of early childhood has been told that proposals to “transform” social services…Sat Oct 08 2011 - 01:00
Eight premises shut for food safety breachesEIGHT FOOD premises – the majority either Chinese or Indian takeaways or restaurants – were ordered to close by the Food Safety…Fri Oct 07 2011 - 01:00
FSAI closes eight food premisesEight food premises - the majority either Chinese or Indian take-aways or restaurants - were ordered to close by the Food Safety…Thu Oct 06 2011 - 01:00
Activist not offended at suicide remarkRADIO INTERVIEW: REMARKS BY Gay Mitchell suggesting that he would throw himself off O’Connell Bridge if asked to smile anymore…Tue Oct 04 2011 - 01:00
Simon 'snapshot' highlights health needs of homelessALMOST HALF of homeless people in a survey by the Simon Communities have been found to have a diagnosed mental health problem…Mon Oct 03 2011 - 01:00
Radical steps urged to tackle drink abuseGOVERNMENT PLANS to put alcohol abuse alongside drug abuse have been welcomed by leading activists in the treatment of addiction…Sat Oct 01 2011 - 01:00
Charity's meals to homeless rise 26%THE NUMBER of meals provided to homeless people by the Merchants Quay Ireland (MQI) charity has increased by more than a quarter…Fri Sept 30 2011 - 01:00
State's first hospice for children 'just a godsend'GLADYS AKOGNON wishes she had something she could donate to the LauraLynn Hospice Foundation, where her daughter Grace (2) has…Wed Sept 28 2011 - 01:00
Criminalising men can cut prostitution, say visiting expertsTHE CRIMINALISATION of men who purchase sex must be central to any strategy to combat prostitution, according to a number of …Tue Sept 27 2011 - 01:00
Probation period for tenants consideredTHE DEPARTMENT of the Environment is considering introducing a mandatory one-year probation period for new local authority tenants…Mon Sept 26 2011 - 01:00
Call to criminalise kerb crawlersThe criminalisation of men who buy sex must be central to any strategy to combat prostitution, police experts from Sweden and…Mon Sept 26 2011 - 01:00
Concerns sole HIV respite centre will closeTHERE ARE “serious concerns” the Health Service Executive will close the only HIV respite facility in the State after it stopped…Fri Sept 23 2011 - 01:00
Irish 'being denied full human rights'Irish people are being denied their full human rights across a number of areas including health, housing, education and religious…Thu Sept 22 2011 - 01:00
Guide aims to help people complain about healthcareAN INFORMATION pack on how to complain about health or social care services is now available to members of the public.Tue Sept 20 2011 - 01:00
Sex too early creates risk of disease and pregnancyYOUNG PEOPLE will be urged to delay having sex for the first time to reduce their risk of contracting a sexually transmitted …Tue Sept 20 2011 - 01:00
Minister urged to reverse cuts in social welfareINCREASES IN some social welfare payments and the reversal of previous cuts were among the demands made of the Minister for Social…Sat Sept 17 2011 - 01:00
Lowering benefits not best incentive for jobless to seek work, report findsCUTTING WELFARE payments to the unemployed is not an effective way to incentivise them to look for work, while an “exaggerated…Fri Sept 16 2011 - 01:00
Call for one agency for homelessA SINGLE agency to meet the multiple needs of homeless people is essential if their mental health issues are to be properly addressed…Wed Sept 14 2011 - 01:00
Number of 'ghost estates' hits 2,881THE NUMBER of “ghost estates” has increased, figures to be published next month will show.Tue Sept 13 2011 - 01:00
Hogan criticises Nama over housingMINISTER FOR the Environment Phil Hogan has attacked the National Asset Management Agency, saying it is more interested in getting…Tue Sept 13 2011 - 01:00
Nama 'too focused on profit'Minister for the Environment, Phil Hogan, has attacked the National Asset Management Agency (Nama), saying it is more interested…Mon Sept 12 2011 - 01:00
Conference explores diaspora as stakeholders in Irish societyTHE IRISH diaspora should be regarded as stakeholders in and contributors to Irish society’s well-being, according to the organisers…Sat Sept 10 2011 - 01:00
Poll backs meeting overseas aid targetOVER 80 per cent of people believe that even in an economic downturn the Government should deliver on aid commitments to the …Sat Sept 10 2011 - 01:00
Council tenants see few signs of regenerationABOUT 60 families in Ballymun, Dublin, remain in three almost-empty blocks of flats, over 10 years since the start of the much…Wed Sept 07 2011 - 01:00
Council providing sleeping bags for homeless as crisis service 'disrupted'DUBLIN CITY Council workers are handing out sleeping bags to homeless people at night because access to emergency homeless services…Wed Sept 07 2011 - 01:00
Robinson calls for 'climate justice'CLIMATE CHANGE amounts to a serious threat from developed nations to the human rights of those living in underdeveloped countries…Tue Sept 06 2011 - 01:00
Climate change 'threatens human rights'Climate change amounts to a serious threat from developed nations to the human rights of those living in undeveloped parts of…Mon Sept 05 2011 - 01:00
Bord Gáis to raise gas price by 22%CUSTOMERS OF Bord Gáis will pay nearly 22 per cent more for their home gas supplies from the beginning of next month.Sat Sept 03 2011 - 01:00
Heavy band of rain unlikely to dampen Electric Picnic spiritsTHE THREE-day Electric Picnic music and arts festival in Stradbally, Co Laois, gets under way today, with predictions that campers…Fri Sept 02 2011 - 01:00
'Unsettled' weather for picnic campersThe worst weather of Electric Picnic weekend will be experienced by those camping at the Co Laois site tomorrow night, according…Thu Sept 01 2011 - 01:00