‘Vulture fund’ mortgage holders demand legislationHomeowners protest at Leinster House over mortgages sold on by IBRCWed Sept 17 2014 - 19:55
Ministers to engage in ‘intensive discussions’ ahead of budgetGovernment says its ‘monitoring’ referendum in ScotlandWed Sept 17 2014 - 14:06
Cuts and casual work hitting women hardest, says women’s councilNWCI says forthcoming budget an opportunity to bring us closer to an equal societyWed Sept 17 2014 - 01:07
Prefabs may be used to tackle housing crisis in DublinCity Council is ‘seriously looking’ at building prefabs on derelict sites to house familiesMon Sept 15 2014 - 01:00
Hundreds of swimmers take a dive for Dublin’s Liffey SwimGer Wilkes was the first man back and Rachel Lee won the women’s raceSun Sept 14 2014 - 09:45
Agency gets two-month care order for baby in 'Miss Y' caseMother ‘Ms Y’ has no wish to participate in future care decisions, solicitor tells authoritiesSat Sept 13 2014 - 01:09
No 'political will' to tackle growing homelessness problem, says charityReport shows more than 8,000 individuals used charity’s homelessness support services last yearFri Sept 12 2014 - 01:00
Helpline assists a quarter of callers at risk of homelessness to remain in their homesTenancy Protection Service has had 1,707 calls since it started taking calls in JuneThu Sept 11 2014 - 01:10
President calls for more social housingOver 300 families newly homeless in Dublin since January, including nearly 650 childrenTue Sept 09 2014 - 01:00
State spending €15m a month on rent supplement to private landlords in DublinAlmost €1m was paid to landlords last September in the Blanchardstown-Blakestown electoral divisionMon Sept 08 2014 - 01:00
‘Disturbing’ increase in sexual violenceDublin Rape Crisis Centre says social media being used as a form of abuseWed Sept 03 2014 - 22:06
Government ‘reflecting’ on abortion legislation, says ReillyVaradkar to update Cabinet on abortion controversy todayWed Sept 03 2014 - 10:33
As positive Picnic packs up, next year’s tickets go on saleExotic food, belted ballads, word play – but atmosphere takes centre stageMon Sept 01 2014 - 01:00
Rape victim ‘didn’t have a choice’Recent legislation was supposed to address cases such as the current one of a pregnant and suicidal rape victim. So why was she exposed to further suffering?Sat Aug 23 2014 - 01:00
Terms of inquiry set into care of woman in abortion caseFour-person team appointed to report on care given to ‘Ms Y’Fri Aug 22 2014 - 21:54
Terms of HSE’s abortion case inquiry to be made public todayWoman who was refused abortion given time to consult lawyer before publicationThu Aug 21 2014 - 06:16
Agencies say protocols must be issued to counsellorsWarning that women in crisis may not get appropriate services in timeWed Aug 20 2014 - 01:02
HSE told of abortion case concerns in MayIFPA and Department of Justice say they will co-operate fully with inquiryWed Aug 20 2014 - 01:00
Woman in abortion case tells of suicide attemptDuring pregnancy woman says she was told she could have an abortionTue Aug 19 2014 - 06:21
They said they could not do an abortion. I said, ‘You can leave me now to die. I don’t want to live in this world anymore’The woman refused an abortion says she was raped but did not know she was pregnant until she arrived in IrelandTue Aug 19 2014 - 06:19
Minister says abortion legislation will be ‘monitored’Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act criticised after suicidal woman delivered premature baby under pressure from StateMon Aug 18 2014 - 07:41
Woman sought abortion at eight weeksAs pregnancy continued she became increasingly distressedMon Aug 18 2014 - 01:00
Irish women are being denied human rights, says UN reportRights committee’s report catalogues issues where Ireland fails to meet international standardsFri Jul 25 2014 - 01:06
Minister for Justice examining UN abortion proposalsFrances Fitzgerald however said Ireland had its own legal and Constitutional position on abortionFri Jul 25 2014 - 01:01
‘Perpetrators’ of symphysiotomy should be punished, UN saysHuman Rights Committee calls for revision of new abortion legislation in IrelandThu Jul 24 2014 - 14:13
Fears that target to end homelessness by 2016 will not be reachedGoal becoming more difficult as other housing areas compete for resourcesWed Jul 23 2014 - 01:00
Reform of ‘direct provision’ a priority, says new MinisterÓ Riordáin says asylum seekers spending years waiting for decision is a ‘major concern’Wed Jul 23 2014 - 01:00
Couple ordered to leave home after court caseBank served notice after landlord went into receivership in 2012Mon Jul 21 2014 - 01:00
Long list of UN Human Rights Committee’s concerns included prisonsWhile abortion and symphysiotomy got the most coverage, there were many other issuesSat Jul 19 2014 - 01:00
Report warns of increase in rural homelessnessDanger homelessness outside urban areas is forgotten by policy makersFri Jul 18 2014 - 01:01
UN Human Rights Committee challenges Ireland on Travellers’ ethnic statusIrish delegation also asked how it will protect non-Christian children in State-funded schoolsWed Jul 16 2014 - 01:00
Ireland in breach of human rights law on abortionReferendum would be needed to put into effect UN body’s proposals – FitzgeraldWed Jul 16 2014 - 01:00
UN asks how State will protect non-Christian childrenHuman rights body questions Minister for Justice and officials for second dayTue Jul 15 2014 - 12:08
Fitzgerald told Ireland’s abortion law breaches human rights lawMinister for Justice faces second day before Geneva committeeTue Jul 15 2014 - 08:04
NGO heads tell UN how Ireland let them downSymphysiotomy ‘torture, inhuman’ and a ‘human rights abuse’, says spokeswomanTue Jul 15 2014 - 07:52
Symphysiotomy survivor in Geneva seeks justice for all women whose endured ‘butchery on behalf of the State’‘I was so distraught I drove into Listowel. I bought a bottle of vodka and drank it with 14 sleeping tablets’Mon Jul 14 2014 - 21:53
Symphysiotomy survivors’ ‘dreadful situation’ highlightedMinister for Justice leading Government delegation to UN committee on human rightsMon Jul 14 2014 - 15:52
Data commissioner to review details sought by Irish WaterWatchdog advised utility company to limit personal data involved when billing customersMon Jul 14 2014 - 12:01
Protest at Israel’s bombardment of Gaza draws 3,000 to Government Buildings and embassyNo more than 100 originally expected on march as Palestinian casualty total continues to riseMon Jul 14 2014 - 01:00
Dublin councils move to address housing crisisPlans to change allocations policy will impact on ‘transfer list’ applicantsMon Jul 14 2014 - 01:00
Irish Water seeks PPS numbers of householders and childrenFour-page forms asking for bank and personal details to be sent out in SeptemberMon Jul 14 2014 - 01:00
Ireland faces questioning before UN Human Rights CommitteeMinister for Justice to be questioned on State’s progress on a range of issues including Traveller ethnicity and women’s reproductive rightsMon Jul 14 2014 - 01:00
Thousands march in cities across Ireland in support of GazaAbout 22 children have been killed in Israeli air strikesSat Jul 12 2014 - 17:44
Mother and Baby investigation and Children First Act among priorities for James ReillySome want Protestant institutions, county homes, former inmates of psychiatric asylums and fostered children to be included in an inquiryFri Jul 11 2014 - 22:03
Greyhound offences highlight private waste industry woesCost-cutting has led to environmental breaches and staff pay disputeFri Jul 11 2014 - 01:00
Former Greyhound driver supplies ‘contingency staff’ during strikeCalin Bogdan not on State list of licensed employment agents and agenciesFri Jul 11 2014 - 01:00
Siptu considers calling for boycott of GreyhoundIctu says waste collection dispute one of the ‘most important’ in recent timesFri Jul 11 2014 - 01:00
Welfare spending on children fallsReport indicates growing food poverty and savings from cuts to child benefitThu Jul 10 2014 - 01:00