Striking doctors question health information desk at Irish airportsPublic health information desks will be manned at Dublin, Cork and Shannon airports from this morning offering advice on SARS…Mon Apr 28 2003 - 01:00
Leading RTE broadcasters at odds over interview with Eamon DunphyA row between two of RTÉ's top broadcasters has broken out following comments by one about the other on radio yesterday.Sat Apr 26 2003 - 01:00
Department seeks talks on Palestinian militantThe Department of Foreign Affairs says it is "seeking an urgent meeting" with the Delegate-General of Palestine, Mr Ali Halimeh…Fri Apr 25 2003 - 01:00
Passengers allowed to reschedule flightsAirline reaction: Airlines carrying passengers to SARS affected areas will allow travellers to reschedule their plans, or in…Fri Apr 25 2003 - 01:00
Shake-up sought in drug addiction policyThe State's approach to dealing with drug addiction lacks imagination and creativity, the director of the largest voluntary drug…Fri Apr 25 2003 - 01:00
Post firm blames couple as €417,000 draft lostThe British postal company at the centre of a row over a couple's €417,000 bank draft which was lost in the post has blamed the…Fri Apr 25 2003 - 01:00
Ombudsman to criticise Government in annual reportThe Ombudsman, Mr Kevin Murphy, will again criticise the Government for failing to introduce legislation allowing his office …Wed Apr 23 2003 - 01:00
WHO voices concern at doctors' strikeThe World Health Organisation in Geneva has said it would be "very concerned" if the public health doctors' strike "dragged on…Wed Apr 23 2003 - 01:00
Body of soldier killed in Iraq is brought homeThe funeral of the only Irish soldier killed in combat in Iraq will take place tomorrow.Wed Apr 23 2003 - 01:00
Minister's response to growing threat 'irresponsible'Ireland: The Minister for Health, Mr Martin, has failed to come up with any strategy to properly deal with the threat to public…Tue Apr 22 2003 - 01:00
Dispute halts medical check on diseasesMore than 40 notifiable diseases are not being monitored while public health doctors remain in dispute with the Department of…Tue Apr 22 2003 - 01:00
Magazine names Irish trio in list of 'European heroes'Irish anti-war campaigner Ms Caoimhe Butterly will be named today as one of Time magazine's 36 "European heroes".Mon Apr 21 2003 - 01:00
Experts to discuss Special OlympicsSPECIAL OLYMPICS: The Department of Health's SARS expert group will meet tomorrow to discuss the Special Olympics amid calls…Mon Apr 21 2003 - 01:00
Doctors 'annoyed' at strike responsePublic health doctors are "increasingly annoyed" at the "inadequacy" of the Government's response to their strike, the industrial…Mon Apr 21 2003 - 01:00
State jet 'reliable' - LabourThe Government jet has been "exceptionally reliable" over the past three years and the Cabinet decision to issue tenders for …Mon Apr 21 2003 - 01:00
Developer of apartments claims 'gains' for everyoneThe developer hoping to build a five-storey block of 53 apartments next to Booterstown Bird Sanctuary in Dublin Bay says the …Fri Apr 18 2003 - 01:00
Three men contact Garda over assaultThree men contacted gardaí in Pearse Street yesterday to assist their investigation into the assault on Sligo man Mr Barry Duggan…Tue Apr 15 2003 - 01:00
'Huge' market for painkillersA "massive" black market has developed in painkillers, anti-depressants and Valium-derivative drugs, according to gardaí in Dublin…Sat Apr 12 2003 - 01:00
Heroin addicts on increase but funds for treatment 'cut'The largest voluntary drugs treatment centre in the State has suffered an "effective cut in funding", according to its director…Sat Apr 12 2003 - 01:00
Anti-war group says jubilation will not lastScenes of jubilation in Baghdad did not indicate that the anti-war movement had been wrong, one of its leading members said yesterday…Fri Apr 11 2003 - 01:00
Aid agencies hope to get in as security 'settles down'Irish aid agencies are hoping to get into Iraq in the next week or as soon as the security situation "settles down".Fri Apr 11 2003 - 01:00
Disability groups may picket OlympicsDisability groups are contemplating picketing Special Olympics events this summer if the Government does not meet funding commitments…Fri Apr 11 2003 - 01:00
Humanitarian needs highlightedThe emerging new world order would be far more powerful if based on meeting humanitarian needs to the same extent that it is …Fri Apr 11 2003 - 01:00
'Historic' negligence admission by diocese welcomedThe admission of negligence by the Diocese of Ferns in its handling of the Colm O'Gorman case has been welcomed as "historic" …Thu Apr 10 2003 - 01:00
O'Gorman abuse case settled for €300,000Mr Colm O'Gorman, the founder of the One In Four organisation set up to help victims of child sexual abuse, has settled his claim…Thu Apr 10 2003 - 01:00
Funeral of Irish Guard to have Defence Forces representationThe Defence Forces will be represented at the funeral of the Dublin man killed in action with the British forces in the Iraqi…Wed Apr 09 2003 - 01:00
Rent supplement flawed, say charitiesThe rent supplement scheme is not working and the situation of the most vulnerable housholds is actually being made worse by …Wed Apr 09 2003 - 01:00
Drinks trade to combat youth bingesA new group representing the drinks industry and breweries has admitted that young people indulge regularly in binge drinking…Tue Apr 08 2003 - 01:00
Constitution 'impedes women's rights'Women's human rights are "seriously impeded" by the Irish Constitution, a senior member of a United Nations committee monitoring…Tue Apr 08 2003 - 01:00
Greens criticise 'silence' of FF, PD women on warThe women of Fianna Fáil and the Progressive Democrats have behaved "like mini-Margaret Thatchers" in their silence on the war…Tue Apr 08 2003 - 01:00
Department 'very sympathetic' to Ukrainians with fake permitsThe Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment has said it would take a "very sympathetic" view of the cases of some 130 …Tue Apr 01 2003 - 01:00
Ukrainians duped into paying up to $5,000 for false work permitsMore than 100 Ukrainian nationals, who paid up to $5,000 each for what they believed were genuine work permits to allow them …Mon Mar 31 2003 - 01:00
Lack of fostering services criticisedThe State's fostering services are "in a state of crisis" the national co-ordinator of the Irish Foster Care Association has …Thu Mar 27 2003 - 00:00
FG critical of move on lord mayorsFine Gael yesterday sharply criticised the Government decision to row back on its promise to provide for the direct election …Tue Mar 25 2003 - 00:00
Koran to get Irish translationThe Islamic holy book, the Koran, is to be translated into IrishTue Mar 11 2003 - 00:00
Unveiling of Spire delayedLighting problems mean the Spire on Dublin's O'Connell Street will not be officially unveiled as originally planned during the…Tue Mar 11 2003 - 00:00
Phone for nursing home residentsEvery older resident of a nursing home will be entitled to a private phone line from this morning.Mon Mar 03 2003 - 00:00
Drink costs State 'price of a hospital every year'Drink is costing the State the price of a new hospital, a sports stadium and a jet for every Minister every year, the Archbishop…Mon Mar 03 2003 - 00:00
150 attend protest vigil in DublinBetween 100 and 150 people took part in a vigil in Dublin against possible war in Iraq at the weekend.Mon Mar 03 2003 - 00:00
Irish peace movements deny splitIRELAND: The three main organisations involved in the anti-war movement here have rejected suggestions of a split.Sat Mar 01 2003 - 00:00
SF warns against demands by unionists for sanctions on partiesAny move by the British and Irish governments to accede to unionist demands for sanctions against parties deemed in breach of…Sat Mar 01 2003 - 00:00
Project to track lives of 18,000 childrenThe largest and longest research project into the lives of Irish children is to get under way next year.Fri Feb 28 2003 - 00:00
Children's hospital should be replaced, says reportThe largest children's hospital in the State is seriously outdated and should be replaced, a report into its facilities has concluded…Thu Feb 27 2003 - 00:00
Taxi-drivers demand moratorium on licencesDublin taxi drivers will next week step up their protest against the apparent decline in standards being applied by the authorities…Thu Feb 13 2003 - 00:00
Supermarket chain to accept puntsShoppers will be able next week to buy their bread using puntsThu Feb 13 2003 - 00:00
Fear of war casts shadow on gamesOrganisers of the Special Olympics in Dublin in June have established a working group to revise plans for the games in the event…Tue Feb 11 2003 - 00:00
Car recovery scheme to tackle 'joyriding'A scheme to reduce the level of so-called joyriding will be in place early next year, the Department of the Environment has said…Tue Feb 11 2003 - 00:00
Highest number of road deaths in a week since penalty points beganThe Automobile Association has warned against complacency on road safety and the efficacy of the penalty points system as gardaí…Tue Feb 11 2003 - 00:00
TV show's producers agree voting caused upsetProducers of the RTÉ show You're A Star last night confirmed there had been "concern and upset" among the show's contestants …Mon Feb 10 2003 - 00:00
Misadventure verdict on teenager who overdosedA verdict of death by misadventure has been returned in the case of a teenager who was found dead in a derelict basement in Dublin…Sat Feb 08 2003 - 00:00