Aer Lingus to fly stranded passengers back from BudapestAER LINGUS was hoping last night to have flown all of the 132 passengers who wanted to travel back to Dublin by this evening …Wed Jul 09 2008 - 01:00
Central Mental Hospital at Thornton warningLOCATING A new central mental hospital on the same site as a new prison would lead to the "further stigmatisation" of mental …Wed Jul 09 2008 - 01:00
100,000 web and text calls to Crisis Pregnancy AgencyTHE CRISIS Pregnancy Agency received almost 100,000 requests for information last year, figures released yesterday show.Tue Jul 08 2008 - 01:00
Decrease in crisis pregnancies continuesThe Crisis Pregnancy Agency (CPA) received almost 100,000 requests for information last year, figures just released show.Mon Jul 07 2008 - 01:00
Banks accused on African corruptionAFRICA: WESTERN BANKS are as culpable in African political corruption as the politicians there who steal money from their people…Sat Jul 05 2008 - 01:00
Electric Picnic gets go-ahead after royalties case settledTHE IRISH Music Rights Organisation (Imro) has agreed to issue a licence for this year’s Electric Picnic music festival.Fri Jul 04 2008 - 01:00
Tesco cuts trade ties over Mugabe regimeTESCO IRELAND has become the first major retailer to stop buying produce from Zimbabwe.Wed Jul 02 2008 - 01:00
Lucky 16 syndicate in no rush to collect record €18.9m Lotto jackpotTHE 16 members of the syndicate that won the largest Lotto jackpot in the history of the game will "take their time" about travelling…Tue Jul 01 2008 - 01:00
Nightclub owners to protest against new hoursNIGHTCLUB OWNERS and music promoters are to protest outside the Dáil tomorrow against proposed restrictions on club opening hours…Tue Jul 01 2008 - 01:00
'Significant increase' in trafficking of womenA “SIGNIFICANT increase” in the number of women trafficked into Ireland for sexual exploitation has been recorded by an organisation…Tue Jul 01 2008 - 01:00
Department safe from spending cuts, says HanafinMINISTER FOR Social and Family Affairs Mary Hanafin has said other Government departments, rather than hers, will have to “feel…Tue Jul 01 2008 - 01:00
Marchers urge Minister to seek EU actionIRELAND: ABOUT 200 people marched to the Dáil at the weekend in solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe and to hand in a letter…Mon Jun 30 2008 - 01:00
€19m Lotto jackpot ticket sold in Carlow supermarketTHE BIGGEST Lotto jackpot in the history of the game was won at the weekend with a ticket bought in Carlow town.Mon Jun 30 2008 - 01:00
Discrimination against HIV carriers helps spread virusGROWING DISCRIMINATION against people with HIV is causing the spread of the virus, a soon-to-be-published study claims.Fri Jun 27 2008 - 01:00
Fun and frolics at urban beachPARIS, BERLIN and Amsterdam all got one and now Dublin is creating its first “urban beach”.Thu Jun 26 2008 - 01:00
Warning of inequality in educationTHERE IS a growing “normalisation” of poverty and inequality in the education system, a leading expert on education policy has…Thu Jun 26 2008 - 01:00
Call for major rise in State pensionTHERE SHOULD be a "significant curtailment in tax incentives for private pensions" to achieve greater pension provision and equity…Wed Jun 25 2008 - 01:00
Cleaning up equalityA new report by the Equality Authority and the ESRI shows that women still do the bulk of the housework and work 39 minutes per…Sat Jun 21 2008 - 01:00
Cori conference told of role of businessTOMORROW’S FIRMS will play a more proactive role in shaping society, a conference hosted by the Conference of Religious in Ireland…Fri Jun 20 2008 - 01:00
Paid paternity and parental leave urged to tackle work gender divideCALLS FOR the introduction of paid paternity and parental leave have been renewed following the publication of a report showing…Fri Jun 20 2008 - 01:00
Ictu says delay in protecting workers' rights a factor in rejection of treatyTHE GOVERNMENT'S tactic of "obstruction" and "delay" in implementing EU policy aimed at protecting workers' rights was a factor…Fri Jun 20 2008 - 01:00
Fewer women travelling abroad for abortionsTHE NUMBER of Irish women seeking abortions overseas has fallen for the sixth successive year, figures released by the Crisis…Fri Jun 20 2008 - 01:00
Study finds women still do bulk of caring workWOMEN DO the bulk of caring in the home for children and elderly or ill family members, according to a new report on gender workloads…Thu Jun 19 2008 - 01:00
New calls for paid parental leaveCalls for the introduction of paid paternity and parental leave have been renewed following the publication of a report showing…Thu Jun 19 2008 - 01:00
Women working 39 minutes longer each day than menWOMEN ARE joining the workforce in unprecedented numbers, but that does not mean they are escaping work in the home.Thu Jun 19 2008 - 01:00
Undiagnosed diabetes 'prime cause of blindness'POOR LEVELS of diagnosis and poor treatment of diabetes was causing unnecessarily high levels of blindness and amputations among…Wed Jun 18 2008 - 01:00
Conor McPherson leads tributes to Tony-winning Irish actorPLAYWRIGHT CONOR McPherson has led tributes to actor Jim Norton who won a prestigious Tony award in New York on Sunday night.Tue Jun 17 2008 - 01:00
Last year was one of 'broken promises for children' - CariLAST YEAR was one of "broken promises for children", according to the child-protection charity Cari (Children At Risk in Ireland…Tue Jun 17 2008 - 01:00
Physical exercise plays 'huge role' in averting dementiaPHYSICAL EXERCISE could have a “huge role in preventing dementia” in older people, a conference has been told.Thu Jun 12 2008 - 01:00
Yes would privatise healthcare further, conference hearsWOMEN'S RIGHTS: THE LISBON Treaty would accelerate the privatisation of health and social services, making access to these …Fri Jun 06 2008 - 01:00
Treaty 'will speed up' health privatisationThe Lisbon Treaty would accelerate the privatisation of health and social services, making access to these more difficult for…Thu Jun 05 2008 - 01:00
Rejection of treaty would be greeted with 'great relief' in FranceANTI-TREATY MEETING: REJECTION OF the treaty would be greeted with "great relief" in France, a member of the French Socialist…Thu Jun 05 2008 - 01:00
French socialist attacks Lisbon TreatyRejection of the Lisbon Treaty would be greeted with “great relief” throughout Europe, a conference in Dublin heard today…Wed Jun 04 2008 - 01:00
Cluster-bomb ban 'a profound gift'THE ANTI-CLUSTER bomb convention, adopted by more than 100 countries in Dublin yesterday, was a “profound gift to the world”, …Sat May 31 2008 - 01:00
Senator criticises US over no show on bombsA SENIOR US senator attending a major conference in Dublin aimed at securing an international ban on cluster munitions has criticised…Tue May 27 2008 - 01:00
First annual Africa Day promotes lively alternative image of continentAFRICAN FOODS, drinks, music and crafts were on noisy, uptempo show yesterday at the first annual Africa Day, held in Dublin …Mon May 26 2008 - 01:00
Countries urged to stand firm over attempts to dilute a banTHE 109 countries taking part in negotiations in Dublin on an anti-cluster bomb treaty have been urged to "stand firm" against…Mon May 26 2008 - 01:00
Cocaine use five times higher in Irish teensFIVE TIMES as many Irish teenagers have used cocaine as their European teenage counterparts, a new study indicates.Sat May 24 2008 - 01:00
'I feel defeated,' says resident of flatsTwo people who live in O'Devaney Gardens tell how everyone has now 'lost heart'Wed May 21 2008 - 01:00
'The kids went to play, then there was this explosion . . .'RAED MOKALED lost his son, Ahnad, on his fifth birthday, while at a celebration in a park in Nabateh, southern Lebanon, in 1999…Tue May 20 2008 - 01:00
Martin hopes for convention on cluster bombs at Dublin talksTHE MOST significant humanitarian treaty in a decade would be adopted in Dublin by the end of next week, the Minister for Foreign…Tue May 20 2008 - 01:00
VHI says claims for cancer treatment cost €144mCancer accounted for the VHI's largest health insurance expense on any medical condition last year, with the five most expensive…Sat Sept 08 2007 - 01:00
Cullen highlights role of parentsThe "greatest gift" a parent could give a child was to be a role model with a career, Minister for Social and Family Affairs …Thu Sept 06 2007 - 01:00
Israeli ambassador in talks on Ictu boycottThe Israeli ambassador has met Irish Congress of Trade Unions general secretary David Begg to express his dismay at a call by…Thu Sept 06 2007 - 01:00
Agency stresses public service role in fighting povertyThe provision of quality public services irrespective of people's incomes would be crucial to tackling poverty, the acting director…Wed Sept 05 2007 - 01:00
Ministers announce initiative to attract more jobs to Border areaA major effort to draw jobs into the Border counties has been announced by Minister for Employment Micheál Martin, Minister for…Wed Sept 05 2007 - 01:00
Taking a vow in the church of rock'n'rollFestival fringe: They do weddings too at the Electric PicnicMon Sept 03 2007 - 01:00
Many complaints made to BrusselsThe European Commission in Brussels has received "a huge number" of complaints from EU citizens living in Ireland whose non-EU…Fri Aug 31 2007 - 01:00
'We want to live a normal life'Gurmeet Singh (26), from the Punjab in India and his wife, Doroda Chojka-Singh (27), from Wroclaw in Poland, are expecting their…Fri Aug 31 2007 - 01:00
Groups urge bigger job scheme for the disabledGroups working with people with intellectual disabilities have called for the extension of the wage subsidy and supported employment…Wed Aug 29 2007 - 01:00