Sinn Féin and Special Criminal Court

Sir, – Sinn Féin’s decision at its weekend ardfheis to drop its opposition to the Special Criminal Court “in exceptional circumstances” is further evidence of the party’s populism over policy approach.

As indeed is the total lack of detail as to precisely what circumstances will be deemed exceptional. Sinn Féin has long defended its hitherto virulent opposition to non-jury courts.

Now, however, with the prize of forming the next government in its sights, previously held dogmas are being ditched in favour of the softening-up process of both the electorate and its hoped for coalition partners on the left.

Sinn Féin believes it now represents a genuine real alternative to the centrist political hegemony that has governed Ireland since the foundation of the State. It may be correct; however it should realise that the protest vote alone will not suffice to put it in power and many people remain suspicious, with good reason, of its authenticity and insatiable capacity for telling people what they want to hear.


– Yours, etc,



Dublin 3.