Enter the Dragons – the race for the Áras

Sir, – I see that a third person who has appeared on a TV show promoting entrepreneurs is considering a run for the Irish presidency.

I don't see how this qualifies people for such high office but then again Donald Trump won great fame by appearing on the Apprentice in the US so maybe there's something in it.

Or on second thoughts, maybe not. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – Three Dragons? I’m out! – Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.

Sir, – I enjoy Dragons' Den. It's a bit of light fun on a winter's evening, and the panellists have impressive business, financial and entrepreneurial experience.

But I recall no discussion on the show of public service, politics, law, diplomacy or society.

Now three of the Dragons' Den panellists want to be president of Ireland.

The power they have to pick new business ideas must have gone to their heads entirely. – Yours, etc,



Co Kildare.

Sir, – It seems in all matters pertaining to this country, the hundreds of thousands of citizens who voted against homosexual marriage and abortion of unborn children are now totally forgotten.

For some reason or another, when referring to “this country”, the impression is given that all its citizens are now of one mind.

Not one single party now represents or cares about the “discarded” population who are opposed to the liberalisation of laws, of what is taught to children in schools, of what is done in hospitals, etc.

Proof of this emerged in the race to be president of Ireland. Gavan Duffy, by saying he would build upon the recent referendums if he were elected president, cared or thought not of the hundreds of thousands who voted against the proposals.

Similarly, Sean Gallagher referred to a “changed Ireland” and wants to be the president of it.

Given the political grasp there is on the conditions to be able to stand for election, I cannot see any man or women representing the beliefs of us pro-lifers and faithful Catholics being allowed or given a chance to stand for election. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.

A chara, – If I were running Michael D Higgins’s re-election campaign, I would advise him to disengage from the entire process, watch the debates with some popcorn from the comfort of Áras an Uachtaráin and let the electorate simply judge him on his first term in office, which even his harshest critics would have to concede was exemplary. – Is mise,



Dublin 6.

Sir, – Too many Dragons. We need somebody from Room to Improve. It's obvious. – Yours, etc,


