Economists and property

Sir, – I had a great laugh reading two articles this week in The Irish Times on property.

One written by UCD economist John McCartney (“Government does not want house prices to fall”, Opinion, November 22nd) and the other one from European Commission economists (“Irish property is undervalued by 17 per cent, says EC”, November 24th).

Both were in diametric opposition to each other. One stated that there was widespread opinion and agreement the property prices were too high in Ireland from McCartney, and the other from the EC that property prices are undervalued.

While I may have blindly put my faith in economists in the early 2000s, I’m delighted to see these lads still have about as much a clue on whether property is undervalued or overvalued as the average “property expert” you might meet in the pub. – Yours, etc,


