China and Covid-19

Sir, – The Chinese Embassy has noted with regret the cartoon by Martyn Turner published on July 28th. We are highly dissatisfied and greatly shocked by its attempt to link the virus with China.

The Covid-19 pandemic is the common enemy of all mankind. The virus knows no borders or races. The World Health Organisation and the international community have explicitly expressed their opposition to linking the virus with any specific country or region.

As a new wave of pandemic is spreading across the world, pinning labels to the virus and politicising the pandemic will incite racial hatred, undercut the international community’s collective resources and impede efforts to save lives and defeat the virus.

We urge The Irish Times to take an objective and just position on this issue and resist any wrong practice of politicisation. – Yours, etc,



First Secretary,

Chinese Embassy in Ireland,

Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.