Distorted coverage of religion?

Sir,– Archbishop of Tuam Michael Neary laments the treatment of religion in the media and complains that, "It is not uncommon to find the coverage of religion per se and religious affairs generally viewed through a political prism and treated in political terms" ("Archbishop accuses media of distorted coverage of religion", News, July 26th).

One might equally argue that it is not uncommon to find the management of education per se, and other public services generally, viewed through a religious prism and treated in religious terms.

This is the self-imposed dilemma that Archbishop Neary fails to recognise: how does one maintain a near-monopoly position in the delivery of taxpayer-funded services without being held to account to those same taxpayers in the media?

These are mutually contradictory and unsustainable positions.


Religion will continue to encroach into the political sphere as long as religious organisations are involved in public policymaking – such as deciding how to treat children exercising their constitutional right to attend school without receiving religious instruction.

Those of us campaigning in this space do not seek to determine anyone’s outlook or attitudes, but rather to vindicate the human right of all citizens to reach these determinations for themselves. Perhaps the Archbishop might consider this before indulging in delusions of victimhood. – Yours, etc,


Communications Officer,

Education Equality,


Co Dublin.