Background soundtrack GAA on TV

Sir, – It is great to have our national games back on television again. I watched the senior football match between Donegal and Down, from Newry on Sunday, with an attendance of 500 fans. Then I moved on to Semple Stadium for the hurling match between Clare and Waterford, which of course had little or no fans attending.

Instead we were subjected to annoying background noise which sounded as if it were recorded at a street brawl with no attempt made to moderate the sound according to the intensity of the encounter as it progressed. Turning down the volume, in an attempt to make it more bearable, drowned out the commentary by Marty Morrissey and Michael Duignan.

I hope we are not subjected to many more efforts like this, and if so surely the sound engineers can come up with a more realistic sound and vary it a bit, so that it is more tolerable.

– Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.