All indoor dining is not equal

Sir, – This weekend I stayed in a Dublin hotel where 120 guests stayed on Friday night and 300 guests stayed on Saturday night.

The guests all dined indoors for their evening meals and breakfasts while we ate, outdoors, on the side of the street at lunchtime.

I appreciate that while caution in relation to the Delta virus is needed, excessive caution does more damage to our economy and society than good and I would respectfully suggest that any further extension of the closure of restaurants is not warranted at this time given our very low number of Covid patients in our hospitals.

Perhaps the Government might clarify for me if the virus actually knows to attack me if eating indoors in a restaurant but to ignore me if I am eating indoors in a hotel?


I would again respectfully suggest that if the decision is taken to extend the closure of restaurants that the actual science and data backing up such a decision be published in tandem with the making of that decision to extend any closure.

It is vital that whatever decision is taken by Government that the public continues to buy into it. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.