Thousands of teachers rated by students on internet site

Several thousand second-level teachers have now had their work "rated" by their pupils on the controversial new US-style website…

Several thousand second-level teachers have now had their work "rated" by their pupils on the controversial new US-style website,

The site, which has been condemned by teacher representatives, has been inundated with anonymous comments from pupils since it was widely publicised for the first time last week.

The website now claims that almost 14,000 ratings have been posted about 5,400 teachers. It claims that over 3,000 students rated teachers last Tuesday alone.

The website is viewed with dismay by many teachers. One teacher, who was the subject of a personalised criticism on the site, said yesterday: "After 20 years teaching, these comments have upset me and damaged my confidence. It is terrible that this sort of stuff is published. How would any other profession feel about this kind of anonymous personalised attack?"


It is understood the offending remarks were withdrawn by the moderator of the site after he had been contacted by representatives of the teacher in question.

In some cases, virtually every teacher in a school is rated on the basis of his/her "easiness, helpfulness and clarity". Most of the ratings, ranging from one to five, are positive. In many cases, the link to the teacher's name include a "smiley" caricature.

The school receiving most mentions is Christian Brothers College, Cork, with 684 ratings.

Other schools with a high number of pupil ratings are Terenure College, Dublin (393), De La Salle College, Waterford (360), Ashbourne Community School, Co Meath (301), St MacDara's Community College, Dublin (297), Coláiste Eanna CBS, Dublin (243), St Columba's College, Dublin (241), Mount Sackville, Dublin (216), Mount Temple Comprehensive, Dublin (211), St Augustine's College, Dungarvan, (202), Ard Scoil Rís, Limerick (197) and Presentation College, Headford, Co Galway (194).

Other schools attracting a high number of ratings include some of the State's best-known schools, including Gonzaga College, Dublin; Newbridge College, Kildare; Newpark Comprehensive and the CUS, both in Dublin.

The site is modelled on similar ones in Britain and Canada. It has attracted some British-based advertising from companies like the Blockbusters video chain and Tesco. As yet, there is no Irish advertising.

The backers of the Irish site have still to respond to queries from The Irish Times. However, its promoters appear to be aware of the debate the site has provoked, with a press link to coverage it has generated in the Irish media. There is also a separate section for parents to rate the performance of teachers.

The Teachers Union of Ireland - which last night condemned the site in a statement - has written to Minister for Education Mary Hanafin expressing its concerns. But the Department of Education said yesterday it had no role in policing the web.

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times