Kenny seeks ideas for job creation

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has called on business leaders to approach Government with ideas for policies that could lead to job creation…

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Employment Richard Bruton and Taoiseach Enda Kenny at a jobs announcement in Dublin last week. Photograph: Julien Behal/PA Wires
Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Employment Richard Bruton and Taoiseach Enda Kenny at a jobs announcement in Dublin last week. Photograph: Julien Behal/PA Wires

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has called on business leaders to approach Government with ideas for policies that could lead to job creation.

"There probably hasn’t been an administration elected in this country for very many years that is as open to business and business opportunities as this one," he said.

"I invite you when you leave this room, any time at all, to send your ideas crystalised into Government and say, 'here's three things you should do'. That’s what I’m interested in.

"This is the big challenge for you to be able to say to Government, 'here are the things you should do if you want to be creative, if you want to be imaginative, if you want to be bold from a political perspective in terms of business'."


Mr Kenny was speaking at a UPC Ireland discussion forum on jobs and the economy. He said parents often asked him what sectors would have jobs for their children in five years' time. "Do I know the answer to this question? I don't."

However, he said digital was a trend and an area of expansion. He said he would launch the 2013 Action Plan for Jobs with Minister for Jobs and Enterprise Richard Bruton tomorrow.

Mr Kenny said Ireland hope to exit the Troika programme this year. He reiterated his belief that Ireland could be "the best small country in the world to do business" by 2016.

To laughter at the UPC event, Mr Kenny said: "I’m one of your subscribers, by the way. I hope my account is in order."

He also said he had an iPhone as well as a Nokia 6310 "which fell into the sink recently and is out of commission at the moment”.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times