Ryanair pilot talks to continue later this week

Talks ended at 12.30am on Thursday morning after a 12 hour session

(Left) Former Workplace Relations Commission chairman Kieran Mulvey & Eddie Wilson, chief people officer at Ryanair. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Efforts to end a dispute between Ryanair and a group of its Irish pilots will restart later this week following three days of intensive talks between the sides.

Ryanair and the Irish Airline Pilots' Association (Ialpa) - part of trade union Forsa - ended talks under mediator Kieran Mulvey early on Thursday without a resolution to the dispute that has caused five one-day strikes at the airline.

Ialpa-Forsa said in a statement that the negotiations were expected to resume later this week.

Mr Mulvey convened the negotiations on Monday August 13 and they were scheduled to run for three days.


Their third session ended at 12:30am on Thursday after more than 12 hours. Neither side commented on the discussions.

Around 100 of Ryanair’s 350 Irish-based pilots have been in dispute with the airline over base transfers, promotions, leave and other issues for more than five weeks.

Mr Mulvey, a former chairman of the Workplace Relations Commission, agreed to step in as an independent mediator following a move by the company earlier this month.

The union’s negotiating team is made up of Ryanair pilots who are members of Ialpa and Forsa officials aided by Irish Congress of Trade Union general secretary, Patricia King.

Barry O'Halloran

Barry O'Halloran

Barry O’Halloran covers energy, construction, insolvency, and gaming and betting, among other areas