I know this will appear very late in the day, but I am thinking ahead to next Christmas. My neighbour across the road installs very over-the-top flashing lights for the festive season. These shine through our front door and windows during the day and all through the night when we’re trying to go to sleep.
I mentioned it casually in conversation to him but he laughed and has done nothing about it. Our estate has a very engaged management company and I’m wondering if approaching them would be the best option.
Am I within my rights to ask our management company to request that the lights be turned off at a certain time or is there a way to establish a new rule regarding lights and decorations?
The role of the management company is to represent all owners in the development and in this regard, it does have a responsibility to assist you with this issue. You should contact the relevant person and discuss this issue with them. They will be able to advise you what measures they can take. They could bring your query to your neighbour and make a request to have the lights adjusted or turned off at particular times, etc. A mutual arrangement may be made that will work for both parties.

In general, when it comes to the wattage and coverage of lights in a development, it is measured by unit of lux and there are standards that should be met. The National Standards Authority of Ireland publish the standards for external lighting installations. If the lighting is much higher in wattage or coverage than it should be, it may be a simple job to have this reduced by agreement with the management company.
In addition to this, you could also consider some type of light shield for the short period of time that the festive lights are in place to avoid such light spillage and annoyance to you in your property.
Aisling Keenan is a property managing agent and consultant and an associate member of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland
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