Eoin Burke-Kennedy on the three mega-trends fuelling Ireland’s housing crisis

Listen | 30:11
Could drastic intervention from the Government help lower house prices and increase supply?

On this week’s episode of Inside Business, host Ciarán Hancock is joined by Irish Times economics correspondent Eoin Burke-Kennedy to discuss the three global mega-trends that he believes stoked the Irish housing crisis and what, if anything, can be done about it. Are government supports such as the Help to Buy Scheme pushing up house prices? Will families ever be able to compete with financial institutions for new properties that come to market? And should the Government employ drastic measures to increase affordability? Listen to this week’s Inside Business to find out.

Plus, why is the minimum threshold for new building inspections so low here? Head of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland, Kevin Hollingsworth, feels Ireland’s enforcement of building regulations is totally inadequate and needs to be significantly ramped up if we are to avoid a repeat of issues such as defective Celtic Tiger-era apartments or homes affected by mica and pyrite.

Produced by John Casey with JJ Vernon on sound.