United Ireland and British identity

Sir, – In the debate regarding a future united Ireland, it is important not to conflate a British identity with opposition to Irish unity. Identity is far more complex than that. It is perfectly possible to have a British identity and see that the best future for all the people of the North is within a united Ireland.

It is possible to describe yourself as Northern Irish and to understand that partition is not working; to want the North to re-enter the European Union through the pathway of Irish unity. A united Ireland is not just for those who see their identity solely as Irish.

What we need to build on this island is a united Ireland that embraces all identities – an Ireland, to paraphrase Thomas Davis, which will “embrace Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter – Milesian and Cromwellian – the Irishman of a hundred generations, and the stranger who is within our gates”.

- Yours, etc,




Co Meath.