UN censure of Israeli settlement activity

Sir, – Surely the world must react with both condemnation and appropriate international actions to the threat of the prime minister of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu, that "we'll respond forcefully and we have the tools to do so" to the 14 countries of the United Nations Security Council, when it criticised Israel for its continued flagrant violation of international law with its continued extension of settlement activity in occupied Palestinian territory ("Israel on diplomatic warpath after UN censure", December 27th).

Surely too the great Jewish peoples worldwide must publicly reject this continued arrogant treatment of the Palestinian people, which will never lead to peace in that troubled land, and support the United Nations in its criticism and strategy for the peaceful creation of two independent and neighbouring states of Israel and Palestine.

They might also take heed to the plea of the renowned Jewish violinist, Yehudi Menuhin, who on being awarded the Wolf Prize by the Israeli government some years ago, responded in the Knesset with the words: “The wasteful governing by fear, by contempt for the basic needs of life, the steady asphyxiation of a dependent people, should be the last means to be adopted by those who know only too well the awful significance of such an existence. It is unworthy of my great people, the Jews, who have striven to abide by a code of moral rectitude for some 500 years.” – Yours, etc,

Professor Emeritus



University College Dublin,

Dublin 4.

A chara, – It was with great pleasure that I read of the UN resolution on Israeli “settlements” being adopted. It was with great despair that I read in the same report that a senior Israeli official has intimated that there is “zero chance” of the Israeli government abiding by the resolution.

Can someone explain to me why on earth Israel is allowed to have a seat at the UN when it clearly has no regard for resolutions adopted there and no respect for international law in general? – Is mise,



Co Dublin.