The future of the Defence Forces

Sir, – I agree with Stephen Gleeson (Letters, February 12th) that even a "quadrupling of our Defence spend will not allow us to defend ourselves against the Russians", or anyone else of substance.

Instead, why not admit that our Defence Forces are not fit for the purpose of defending us and abolish them, rather than spending billions on them.

Years ago, Costa Rica, arguably in a more vulnerable position geographically, realised that it could not defend itself against an invader and abolished its armed forces.

Some of the billions saved could be applied to paying decent pensions and redundancy payments.


A modern elite response force could then be created to fight cyber-crime, to police our coastal waters and to provide special forces for combating terrorists and armed criminals.

The balance of the savings could be used to build social and affordable housing and to increase the staff, facilities and beds in our beleaguered health service. – Yours, etc,


Innishannon, Co Cork.