Take me to your leaderboard

Sir, – I see that the mystery of the incredible times posted by the top crossword solvers is being discussed again (Letters, February 14th).

I would like to advise John Doyle that if he wishes badly enough to top the leader board, he just needs to complete the crossword while delaying filling in the last clue until one hour has just elapsed on the clock. The timer will be reset to zero and he just needs to get the final clue answered in as few seconds as he can.

Having thus achieved this feat, I am sure he will have it out of his system and he can return to enjoying his daily crossword fix.

This bug has been in the system since the introduction of the online crossword, and I have brought it to the attention of The Irish Times several times. I doubt it is about to be fixed any time soon, so there is no rush and everyone can have their turn. – Yours, etc,




Co Mayo.

Sir, – I fully empathise with John Doyle’s frustration regarding The Irish Times crossword leaderboards.

After some initial struggles, I became very comfortable with doing the crosswords online during the past two years when the physical paper was not as readily procured.

The key to still getting the full enjoyment of completing them at leisure is to neutralise the leaderboard by using the “save” and “load” features, and then complete them in your own good time.

Just one request: could we have the luxury of being able to save more than three at a time, please? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.

Sir, – I was given a place of minus one as my ranking on the Simplex crossword leaderboard, without any change to my leisurely way of completing the answers.

The gremlins must have looked kindly on me that day, so I can only say to fellow reader John Doyle that you never know when your turn will come to be one down. – Yours, etc,



Wirral, UK.