The economics of a united Ireland

Sir, – Cormac Bourke's views on how economics would play out in the event of a united Ireland are wildly optimistic (December 5th). A withdrawal of funding phased over 25 or 30 years, all-Ireland EU membership and two benign explosions in tourism, plus investment generated by international goodwill.

Whatever about the possibility of all-Ireland EU membership, international goodwill has rarely been so scarce.

Benign explosions in tourism are little more than a pipe-dream, and what Simon Coveney believes in is not shared by everyone in the Government.

Economics is not about sentiment, wishful thinking, or lucky breaks. Unless the figures add up, and a majority in both parts of the island vote in favour of a united Ireland, it will remain an aspiration for nationalists. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 5.

Sir, – Contrary to the fears of the DUP, I suspect that most people in the South have what might be called an Augustinian attitude to the North, ie “Lord bring us a united Ireland, but not yet”. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 4.