The Common Travel Area

Sir, – Further to the UK ambassador's letter (December 5th), there have been numerous recent reports concerning the legal status of the Common Travel Area.

How then can he suggest the list of “rights”?

Are these legally covered by the CTA?

In addition, a recent report in your newspaper suggested that discussions are under way between the Government and the UK authorities concerning the management of individuals excluded from the UK who might try to re-enter via the Republic. Are these discussions being carried out under the aegis of the CTA?


Finally, my understanding was that the CTA allowed for passport-free travel between the countries. I wonder how many of your readers have tried to enter or re-enter the Republic without presenting a passport, or other form of “suitable” ID, when requested? – Yours, etc,


Sherkin Island,


Sir, – The British ambassador Robin Barrett is silent on the implications of a post-Brexit CTA for Ireland as a continuing EU member state.

In particular, he does not confirm that the UK will respect Ireland’s legal obligation to allow EU citizens to move freely to and from Ireland, regardless of their standing with the UK’s immigration authorities.

While the UK’s commitment to maintaining the CTA is reassuring, it would be greatly appreciated if the ambassador could provide similar reassurance to the millions of EU citizens who do not enjoy its protections. – Yours, etc,

