Teachers and leave

Sir, – Only a few weeks ago we read in The Irish Times of how unfair it was that there was no statutory maternity leave in place for members of the Dáil, as Helen McEntee had to make her arrangements to take her leave.

Then on Saturday we read an article on your front page complaining about teachers' leave entitlement, which incidentally is the same as that for every other State employee (News, July 31st).

I’ve heard a phrase over the past year: “pick a side”. I think in this case The Irish Times has picked its side.

If you would like to delve deeper into the leave teachers take, you may notice that maternity leave and critical illness leave make up the bulk of the time teachers take. What is the solution? Perhaps teachers could give birth in school or critically ill teachers should come to work.


The front-page story did your paper no credit. – Is mise,


