Storm Barra and school closures

Sir, – What have we become in this country? Announcing school closures at 10pm the night before. What in God’s name does the Government think they are doing? How can families make arrangements for their children at such short notice? It’s grossly unfair and unnecessary. We are in the midst of a storm, yes, but life has to go on.

The Government needs to stop telling us how to live our lives and allow us to make informed decisions for ourselves. None of us are going to put our children in danger but they would be as safe in school as they would be at home. They have missed so much school since the start of the pandemic they do not need to miss more.

– Yours, etc,



Stillorgan, Co Dublin.

A chara, – As a primary-school principal with 30 years experience, I am increasingly concerned by the populist rush of authorities to close schools at the slightest puff of wind. All facets of life involve a small element of risk and to close schools at this time is causing further damage to schools, where academic standards, social skills and our communities have all suffered greatly. It also legitimises absenteeism and makes our job more difficult in the long term. It is important that authorities do not close schools early for Christmas and further exacerbate current challenges in schools.

– Is mise,


Baile na Fuinseoige,

BAC 7.

Sir, – With schools now being asked to close on windy, cold days as the windows must remain open, at what point do we stop layering restrictions upon restrictions, stop the cycle and start peeling off the plasters one by one. The danger being that some restrictions will become so ingrained that we forget they are there!

– Yours, etc,


Dundrum, Dublin 16.