Mica and the wider impact

Sir, – I am a homeowner in Donegal. My house shows no structural distress. However, without a mica test, which currently costs €6,125.49 (including €1,145.40 VAT), I am unable to sell my house and my property is of site value.

This process involves eight core samples being extracted from the external and internal walls of my dwelling. I will then need to pay to have these “trial pits” rendered and painted.

If the property has mica confirmed I can claim back some of this money. – Yours, etc,





Sir, – While I agree wholeheartedly that the egregious default of the State in failing to properly regulate such an essential industry gives rise to an obligation to compensate affected homeowners, there is an aspect of the problem that seems to have been overlooked. I have in mind those homes that are mortgaged.

As things stand the equity is divided between the homeowners and the bank/mortgagee and their respective shares depend in each case on the amount outstanding on the mortgage as compared to the full repaired/rebuilt value of the house.

In their present condition the bank’s equity/security is effectively worthless. Might some consideration be given by the Government to requiring the banks to share the burden of redress pro rata in proportion to their interest.

Having bailed them out once the taxpayer is perhaps entitled to baulk at doing so twice.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 9.