Slaintecare and health insurance

Sir, – Regrettably, I share Fr Peter McVerry’s pessimism in relation to the possibility of the introduction of a one-tier health system in Ireland, but not for the reason he has cited, viz the vested interests of those currently paying for private health insurance (Letters, September 24th).

I lived in Belgium for over eight years and in that country everyone pays a little and everyone has proper access to the system. The problem in this country is that many people are loath to pay anything for any public service, as the water charge debacle demonstrated and the left-wing political parties, independents and others in the Dáil continue to promote this failed approach.

I have been paying for health insurance for the past 30 years and would gladly give up this “privileged access” for a health system that worked and I would most definitely “vote” accordingly.

– Yours, etc,




Dublin 12.