Early years educators deserve better

Sir, – As a parent of a child who attends a wonderful early years service in Meath, I am supporting the Siptu campaign for a new deal for our early years educators.

The fact that some of these teachers, educated to degree level and caring for children in their formative years, are receiving just over minimum wage is absolutely shocking.

This campaign recognises the stress that early educators are under and understands why they are leaving in droves.

If these educators do not see their take-home pay increase in the next budget, the floodgates will open and the sector will haemorrhage qualified experienced educators who can no longer afford to stay.


It is already very difficult for parents to find a place in a registered early years service, but this will increase if more teachers are forced to leave due to low pay and poor working conditions.

My child needs a continuation of care especially since the pandemic. I do not want to see her lose the adults who have been there for her throughout this and who have done everything to keep her life as normal as possible.

I call for investment in the early years sector for Budget 2022. – Yours, etc,



Co Meath.