Signing up for global tax reform

Sir, – How embarrassing. Our Government is one of only nine member states of the OECD not to sign up to global tax reform (News, July 1st) . The Comhlámh Trade Justice Group has campaigned for years for fairer tax rules to support the global south. We were hopeful that the global north, in the form of the OECD, was finally seeing how unfair the tax system is. Tax havens, like Ireland, help rob poor countries of their rightful tax payments and advantage an already excessively wealthy elite.

The proposed reforms are a start in the process of stopping the race to the bottom by competitively lowering corporation tax. A race that we and other countries engage in, to the benefit of the global elite.

It is time for our Government to recognise that the OECD agreement represents a long awaited and much needed change to managing global corporation tax which should be supported for the greater common good.

The Irish position seems untenable in the longer term and the focus should be on taking appropriate measures to mitigate the effects of this reduction in annual tax revenue so that they do not impact on the poorest sectors of society. – Yours, etc,



Comhlámh Trade

Justice Group, Dublin.

Sir, – I see that our multinationals are being consulted on this matter (“Business leaders sounded out about rise in corporate tax”, July 3rd). God forbid we should inconvenience them after all the profits they have made for years and years.

I am sure they are well able to absorb any increases that may arise. I don’t think they will be upping sticks anytime soon.

– Yours, etc,


Bray, Co Wicklow.