School strikes against climate change

Sir, – Bravo to all the school pupils across the world who are taking to the streets and standing up for their future, inspired by Greta Thunberg who led the way with her speech at the climate talks in Poland.

Our generation has dragged its feet for too long. We may escape the worst effects of climate change but it is inevitable that our children and grandchildren won’t.

Will the voices of the young be heard and acted on?

In 1992, at the first climate change summit in Rio, a 12-year-old Canadian, Severin Suzuki, made a moving and impassioned speech, begging those who had the power to act before it was too late. That was almost 30 years ago, and in the interim we have gone further and further in the wrong direction.


If we don’t act meaningfully now – as opposed to talk-shops and drawing up yet more window-dressing plans – there may not be the possibility for protest and pleading in another 30 years. – Yours, etc,



Co Waterford.

Sir, – Lorna Gold rightly says "we are out of time" and it is today's children who will suffer when those who caused climate damage have passed on ("Children's climate uprising a minefield for parents, schools and teachers", Opinion & Analysis, February 27th).

Good for them making their voices heard!

But, as well as protesting, they can make a statement by taking other action, such as walking to school if it is (say) less than two miles away; discouraging parents from buying enormous gas-guzzling cars; and refusing to join their families on overseas holidays.

They could set a wonderful example. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.