Safer streets

Sir, – Further to "Irish Olympian Jack Woolley has surgery after assault in Dublin" (News, August 15th), what type of society have we become when ordinary people, or those working in media, healthcare, the political arena, and even our own Olympians, can be verbally or physically attacked on our streets and social media?

What is needed is a concerted effort by our authorities to challenge the mindset of this feral group of individuals.

Platitudes from certain do-gooders in society won’t cut it.

Action is needed now to stop this physical and verbal abuse of our citizens, whether online or on our streets.


If we are to have any sense of security and freedom to walk our streets or be online, without verbal or physical assault, or menacing messages, we must challenge those who would do us harm and confront this outrageous behaviour by making those responsible for their actionsculpable. – Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.