Referendum on climate action

Sir, – According to a report ("Ring warns FG about climate backlash", October 28th) a former Fine Gael government minister is "worried about the impact of climate plans on rural support for the party".

If this is a taste of what’s to come, the progress needed to achieve our climate-change targets is facing a very rocky ride.

Of course maybe the same former minister is worried that he might lose his seat at the next election! – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.

Sir, – Such is the challenging nature of the climate crisis and with our election-driven short electoral cycles and vested interests clearly lobbying for the watering down of every sensible proposal, should we not have a referendum on action for the climate crisis?

A popular mandate would give some political cover for stronger action.

Dáil and local elections are about many things, national and local, where it is extremely difficult to discern the will of the people on something as wide-ranging and extended as climate.

A straight referendum, on committing for example to near and medium-term climate goals, would focus the minds.

– Yours, etc,



Co Cork.