Polluting cars

Sir, – David Reddy's letter (Letters, December 4th) is a timely reminder of the pollution caused by idling traffic.

On still winter mornings one can clearly see exhaust fumes accumulating around idling cars as children walk or cycle to school. His suggestion that traffic lights and Dart crossings should assist in keeping motorists moving is a throwback to a time when the car ruled the road.

City planners are about the business of slowing down and reducing car numbers. In the absence of motorists’ sensitivity, the solution to the exhaust problem from stalled traffic is a law requiring polluting vehicles to turn off their engines while they wait.

Whey hasn’t the Green Party demanded this before now? It’s not enough to pedal by regardless! – Yours, etc,



Sandymount, Dublin 4.

Sir, – I can readily identify with Mr Griffin (Letters, December 6th). I too have experienced such liberation and autonomy when I use my own personal transport – my bicycle.

In addition to the psychological and therapeutic benefits referred to, there is the bonus of the endorphins produced by a modest amount of exertion. And it is quite amazing how far and how quickly one can travel with a little bit of practice, even when one has left the womb many decades ago. And if that were not enough, it can all be accomplished without the emission of any harmful greenhouse gases. I can thoroughly recommend the experience.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.