Children and mask wearing

Sir, – A friend informed me last Friday that she would be citing “violation of human rights” as a reason for her child’s absence from school that day as she did not agree with the mandatory wearing of a mask for her child.

In a fortnight where we have had reports of migrant children being forced on to a dinghy before drowning in the English Channel, a child bride being rescued in Afghanistan and the evidence of horrific child sex abuse being perpetrated by one of our own in the Philippines, is it time we pulled our heads out of our privileged backsides?

– Yours, etc,



Co Waterford.

Sir, – I disagree with what Benjamin Bergin (Letters, December 4th) stated. As a primary school student, I think that all schools should have made masks compulsory. A lot of students live with or visit their grandparents often. They put those vulnerable at risk. Even if they’re not visiting their grandparents, they’re still with their parents or guardians, who have jobs.

While some work from home because of the pandemic, others are out in the public system saving lives or homes. Then after work, they come home and hug, kiss and stay in the same room as their children.

In my class, we are all wearing masks. My classmates and I don’t feel isolated from each other or different.

I do understand that some people can’t wear masks but we are still all doing our bit.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.