Plastic packaging

Sir, – Well said, Nick McKinley! (July 9th) I would add that if you are unable to unwrap your plastic-covered items in the supermarket, then do so at home, and bring the packaging back to the shop next time you visit. That plastic is now being consumed by us through fish is already true, but having watched a calf chewing on a plastic bottle, thrown mindlessly out of a passing car window, has increased the chances that our meat will soon be contaminated too.

We could help control the waste by putting a refundable deposit on all plastic bottles and drink cans. Then, at the very least, the beachcombers and roadside walkers could be paid for their clean-up attempts, and perhaps the motorists and their passengers would think twice about the money they are throwing out as they travel on their way. – Yours, etc,




Co Tipperary.