Opening hours and opening wallets

Sir, – I fully support the proposed extended opening hours in the hospitality sector. I am though, suspicious of the reasons why, and especially at this time.

We have,according to the Central Bank, an extra €13.1 billion saved. On deposit. Sitting there. Doing nothing. Are we to believe that never entered the Minister’s head? – Yours, etc,




Dublin 8.

Sir, – In 2018, the Public Health (Alcohol) Act was passed. Two years later, the main measure, minimum-unit pricing, whereby a minimum price is fixed below which alcohol cannot legally be sold, has not been implemented.

In February 2021, the Minister for Justice is proposing to change current licensing laws to provide for extended opening hours for pubs and nightclubs.

In 2020, Ireland embarked on a series of lockdowns in an effort to control the spread of Covid 19. As a result, schools were obliged to close for many months.

During that time off-licences were permitted to remain open, being deemed an essential service.

A case of mixed messaging? – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6.