Reopening churches

Sir, – I write regarding ongoing lobbying by certain Christian denominations of the Government to reopen churches for Easter. It would appear that little has been learned from what happened in the lead-up to Christmas 2020, when reopening various sectors of society had such disastrous consequences in the post-Christmas period.

Now is not the time to be lobbying for reopening. Rather, this is a time for the exercising of pastoral responsibility and not giving people false hope by reopening prematurely.

The message of Easter will still resonate throughout our land without needlessly risking people’s health and safety. It is my sincere hope that Church of Ireland bishops will not engage in any similar lobbying. – Yours, etc,




Co Wexford,

A chara, – I’m appealing to people through your letters page to make representations to their local TDs to allow churches to fully reopen.

In contrast to supermarkets and shopping centres that I’ve been in, churches are a good deal safer to attend. They’re stewarded and have one-way movement of people.

So please, for God’s sake, let us see sense prevail. – Is mise,


Droichead Nua,

Co Kildare.