Let me list the ways

Sir, – Owen Curran is right about waste (Letters, December 22nd), but I fear it may be too late for some of us. You know that song , “I’m making a list, I’m checking it twice”, the one I can’t help singing in the supermarket queue.

That’s my problem. Not the song, many of the people in the queue were singing along too, because it and “Tis the season to be jolly” and all the others have wormed their way into our brains. Maybe that’s a good thing, I could never get past seven times tables or learn poems off by heart.

The list is the problem. I made a card list and then I noticed that in my eagerness to meet the postal deadline, and due to slight chaos on the table, I’d crossed out some names without writing the cards and now I’m starting to wonder will some friends receive two cards and some none? Of course, I can send a New Year card, but how will I know which friend I forgot?

Best wishes to you and to all at The Irish Times. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.