Ireland should offer asylum to woman acquitted of blasphemy

Sir, – The hysterical reaction to the acquittal of a Christian woman, a farm labourer, who had spent eight years on death row on false charges of blasphemy by Islamist protesters is difficult to assimilate (World News, November 2nd). Has this woman not suffered enough?

The leader of the political party, the TLP, has demanded that the woman be put to death. This despite the woman being absolved of making any derogatory remarks about Islam in a country where such a charge is punishable by death.

It is all the more shocking that her “crime” was to drink water from her Muslim neighbours’ glass and their objection to this on the basis that she is non-Muslim and her subsequent alleged critical remarks on Islam.

It is abominable that any society would have such regressive practices in 2018. Religion has been and will remain the most divisive subject on earth and it is to all of our detriment.


This woman is under threat if she remains in her homeland and Ireland should follow France and Spain and offer her asylum in this country. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 13.