Call for school to be developed, not sold

Sir, – The irony of the proposed sale of Glasnevin Model School at Church Avenue,Glasnevin, by auction at this moment in time defies belief ("Two high-profile OPW sites to be auctioned next month", Business, October 15th).

One of only nine remaining model schools, it has served the local Glasnevin /Ballymun community well, over past decades.

Built in Famine times, this building will now become prey to developers without the protection of the planning regulations, since it does not enjoy the status of a listed building despite its important historical link back through the generations.

Dublin City Council must rectify this immediately so that this significant physical link to our past remains intact.


That a 19th-century school building that has stood this test of time is to be disposed of when schools elsewhere are being shut down due to structural defects is ironic, to put it mildly.

Past pupils and concerned residents are now calling for its withdrawal from sale and a plan put into place that will see it developed in line with the purpose for which it was founded. – Yours, etc,



Glasnevin Model School Past

Pupils, Dublin 15.