Getting the message on text alerts

Sir, – Every text message I get from my phone service provider seems designed to bring the blood to boiling point. There were two examples over the last weekend. The first was received shortly after 7am on Sunday to let me know that some add-on security system had been activated for me for another month. An ungodly hour to send an unimportant message, and an invasion of a reasonable person’s sleeping time. My sleep was disrupted for the day, and this is not the first time that this has happened. The second was even worse, inviting me to donate to their “charity partner”, an amount that would garner 40 cent for themselves as a service charge, for every donation. Am I alone in finding this making of commission so easily off the back of a very worthwhile charity a bit rich? A charity partner should surely use its technology to eliminate these types of commissions and costs.

I cannot find a way of expressing my anger back through the labyrinthine phone system it presides over, with little chance of speaking to a human being.

Perhaps this letter might get the message through. I would much appreciate publication, as it would do wonders for my blood pressure. – Yours, etc,


