Galway Hospice and the environment

Sir, – I am a Galway resident who is recovering from cancer and who has availed of Cancer Care West’s excellent facility and am well aware of the importance of the Galway Hospice.

However, I take issue with the article about the decision of An Bord Pleanála to overturn the planning permission previously given for the new hospice ("Refusal of permission for new Galway hospice", News, March 18th).

If we don’t protect our already fragile environment, it will no longer be capable of supporting us.

Everyone involved was well aware that it was proposed to build on an Annex 1 habitat as defined under a European Union directive and shouldn’t have been surprised at the ultimate decision.


The truth of the matter is that there is plenty of space at Merlin Park for the hospice. It just doesn’t need to be in that particular meadow! – Yours, etc,



