Further relaxation of Covid restrictions

Sir, – As Covid restrictions are relaxed and employment resumes in offices, is it not a danger to all those vaccinated that an employer is not entitled to ask an employee for their vaccination certificate in order to ascertain that they are not a danger to others?

– Yours, etc,




Co Meath.

Sir, – The timetable for the expansive lifting of Covid-19 restrictions is welcome and encouraging, signalling an entirely different outlook to what has shaped our lives in the past year and a half.

What is not as heartening, however, are headlines in some sections of the media that scarcely veil a dance on Nphet’s grave, which as also been indicated, is set to be greatly scaled down. The National Public Health Emergency Team has probably been the single greatest influence in getting us to the optimistic outlook that now prevails.

In terms of keeping Government “honest” and on its toes throughout the pandemic, I’m especially grateful for Nphet’s expertise and objectivity over the political and self-interests of any or all on the opposition benches.

– Yours, etc,



Sir, – It seems that we are to be given early release on condition of good behaviour. Let’s hope that everyone maintains tight discipline, and not jeopardise our probationary freedom. We should not play roulette with this great opportunity to finish 2021 on a healthier graph.

– Yours, etc,


Dublin 5.