Covid nightclub restrictions

Sir, – The narrative from Government in recent weeks has been that Covid infections are now primarily being driven by the unvaccinated and that hospitalisations are primarily unvaccinated. The Government has decided to order nightclubs to close until January 9th.

Unvaccinated are now only people who are either too young for vaccination, ie, under 12 years, or have refused to take the vaccine. Nobody under the age of 12 can attend nightclubs. People who refused to take the vaccine can’t get an EU Covid cert and, therefore, can’t enter nightclubs. So it makes absolutely no sense that nightclubs could be considered to be a source of contagion.

Either the Government doesn’t believe its own narrative about this being a pandemic of the unvaccinated or it is unjustifiably attacking an industry that has already been brought to its knees, just for the pretence of being seen to be doing something positive, however futile. Maybe one of your readers can explain what I am missing. – Yours, etc,



Lucan, Co Dublin.