Coeliac tips for eating out

Sir, – Many thanks to Rose Mary Roche for an excellent article on coeliac dining. (Health+Family, August 7th). I dine out frequently with my wife, who is a coeliac, and would make a number of points.

First, on one occasion when eating out, the server asked my wife “Are you gluten-free or a coeliac?” This is an important distinction, and one which that particular server realised. Therefore, there is an obligation on eating establishments to ensure that their staff are trained in serving gluten-free food.

Second, when, without being prompted by us, a food counter server changes their gloves to serve gluten-free food, we know that the server has been suitably trained.

Third, our local restaurant, here in Rathfarnham, following our guidance, now marks a number of menu choices as “CO”, meaning that they are happy to specifically make a dish coeliac-option on request. We have since seen that designation used in other restaurants as well.


Finally, with 50,000 coeliacs in Ireland, as mentioned in the article, it would be helpful if restaurant reviewers in our newspapers would occasionally write a review focused on the challenges faced by coeliacs who are simply seeking a nice gluten-free meal out. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.