Coalition’s contradictory view on alcohol

Sir, – According to a news report (September 16th) "Late-night activities could go on until 6am". In addition to this daft proposal, Minister for Minister for Tourism and Culture Catherine Martin states that she has no problem with the serving of alcohol until dawn if the opportunity presents itself!

We are definitely losing the plot here. – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.

A chara, – For a number of years, successive governments have championed quite draconian legislation to restrict the availability of and access to alcohol. Whenever it was pointed out that alcohol was both more freely available and far cheaper in countries such as France or Germany, this argument was rejected on the basis that Ireland had a uniquely problematic relationship with “the crathur”.

Now, simultaneously, the Government is proposing to legalise what is in effect 24-hour pub opening. Catherine Martin, the Minister responsible, justifies this on the basis that we are “way behind” other European countries. Looking at what happens in Berlin and Paris has convinced her that “it can be done, and it can be done in a safe way” in Ireland.

Do the various departments simply not communicate with each other, or do politicians just presume that the public are too stupid to notice they are being fed completely contradictory messages by people they are expected to trust to be at least semi-competent and vaguely consistent. – Is mise,



Co Kildare.

Sir, – With a view to avoiding social overcrowding would it not make sense to have a “daytime” nightclub? People who work weekends or shift work could attend a club from say, 11am until 4pm and behave as they would in the evening. Naturally some channels would have to be dug in the local streets, letter boxes sealed, with council staff with screens and ladles patrolling in order to deal with this “golden” opportunity. Who could say no? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 24.