Abortion and privacy

Sir, – I am a bit surprised that your pro-choice letter-writers continue with their personalised attacks on those of us who are pro-life. It made some sense, perhaps, prior to the referendum, to portray us as right-wing, anti-choice, anti-woman, religious fanatics – that is what people do in election campaigns, attack the other side in order to deflect attention from weaknesses in their own position.

But the pro-choice side won the referendum, hands down. What are they now afraid of, that they continue with their personalised attacks on us? Do they think that they can continue to deflect attention, indefinitely, from the awfulness of what they are doing to unborn babies?

You voted for unrestricted abortion up to 12 weeks, folks. The likely effect will be about 10,000 abortions here per year, carried out by our doctors and nurses, and paid for by the taxpayer. You may convince yourselves that I am writing these things because I am a Catholic, but I am actually writing them because they are true. Sooner or later, you will have to face up to these facts. – Yours, etc,




Co Waterford.

A chara, – As a father and grandfather I was very moved by Gaye Edward’s letter (February 23rd). I applaud her honesty and I totally support her in the heart-breaking decision she and her husband made. It is far from “uncivilised and barbaric” (Letters, February 20th). – Is mise,


Gorey, Co Wexford.