A ‘compensation culture’?

Sir, – Too much attention is being paid to attacking Maria Bailey. I do not know her but I have no reason to suppose that she is anything other than a regular citizen.

The real issue is that she lives in a country where she obviously thought that it was normal to make her claim and no doubt had every expectation of getting a good result.

It is the court system that is creating the compensation culture, and people are just acting logically in taking advantage. Meanwhile more and more institutions and businesses have to curtail their activities or even stop altogether.

The only way to achieve a more sensible equilibrium is for new guidelines to be imposed from above. We all know this.


What is the current Government doing about it? Absolutely nothing.

So don’t blame Ms Bailey, blame Leo Varadkar. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.

Sir, – It is inevitable that accidents will happen, and no one can ensure that they will not. Are we now expecting to be insured against life at every turn?

This is a failed system and brings our legislators, legal professionals and our nation into disrepute. Will no-one take responsibility and fix it? – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.

Sir, – Is anyone asking why a hotel in an industry complaining about insurance costs would have a swing in the first place?

I presume whoever is insuring the premises must also be embarrassed for allowing it. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 18.

Sir, – Whatever about our collective attitude to compensation, isn’t it remarkable that someone who felt themselves equipped to be involved in running the country would feel they need supervision to use a swing? – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.